🌼 “Flowers are a symbol of a unified #SELF” I had no idea about this! It makes sense since it reminds me of a mandala too, like in IDOL.

So those flowers could represent that they ( #BTS ) accepted their SELF? Their darkness and light?That’s why it’s a self-produced album? 🥺 https://twitter.com/monac130613/status/1281701127155785730
Thanks @monac130613! AMAZING! 🌸
So if flowers 🌼 represent their #SELF and we’re getting 2 more teaser photos and a B-Side...we could see their “dark self” and “bright self”? Like #Plato’s 2 horses ( #Philosophy):

A BLACK ONE (desire) AND A WHITE ONE (emotion) controled by the Reason ( #SELF). #BTS_Dynamite
That’s #Plato’s “The Allegory of the Chariot and The Tripartite Nature of the #Soul☺️ It explains the tripartite nature of the human #Soul or #psyche.

The chariot is pulled by two winged horses, one mortal (Unconscious) and the other immortal (Conscious).
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