I've seen a lot of people discussing how worried they are about how you can be a mom and an academic on here today. I was worried about the same thing as a first-year masters' student.

I want to share the advice I got from my female professors at the time:

She was a professor in I/O Psychology and had been working in industry as an HR professional for several years before rejoining the academy in a professor role. She had two elementary-aged kids when I knew her.

When I said that I really wanted to be a parent one day, but I was worried about how to balance academia and parenting.

I told her -I saw she answered emails at all hours of the day and night! I knew that my advisor's dining room table was covered in research for her book.

When I said that I really wanted to be a parent one day, but I was worried about how to balance academia and parenting.

I told her -I saw she answered emails at all hours of the day and night! I knew that my advisor's dining room table was covered in research for her book.

I couldn't fathom how that life was compatible with parenting children. Her response was really eye-opening.

"You want to talk lack of work-life balance? Try industry. There you're expected to work 9-5, and leave your work at work. yes. But you're expected to be there. 9-5"
"When I worked in industry, if my kid had a play at school, I couldn't go. If he had a doctor's appointment, I had to take sick leave and give advance warning. I _left_ industry and came to academia for the opportunity for better work-life balance".

And that has stuck with me for... 20 years. (OMG 20 YEARS WHAT THE HECK).

Yes. The flexibility is challenging. Yes, sometimes I work on weekends and evenings. But also sometimes I bake a cake with my kid on a Monday afternoon.

So if you are a student considering academia, please don't just rule it out because you are worried about work-life balance. Don't rule it out because you see that we are busy. Is it hard? Absolutely. But so is any job. They are all difficult in their own way.

Did I sometimes miss a concert or a soccer game because I was out of town for a conference? Yes. But I was able to walk my kids to school most days.

Did I have to stay up late to finish reviewing a paper? Often. But I also got to read books to my kids at bedtimes.

I am so grateful to this professor for opening my eyes to that option. And feel so lucky to have been able to be in a job in academia that has allowed me to volunteer at my kids' schools, and chaperone field trips, and stay home with them when they are sick.

There are pros and cons to each type of job. You can go for an industry job because you want a clear separation between work and life. Forgo academia because you don't believe in the system, or don't want the flexibility.

Don't give it up because you want to be a parent.

Parenting is what happens in between our jobs, whatever those jobs may be. Academia is no different.

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