And I hope everyone learned about strategic use of wait time, cold calling, double planing, wake calls, show calls, habits of discussion, sentence level writing instruction, [proceeds to list eleventy million useful instructional techniques]
I feel like you guys just don’t like SLANT. if you don’t like SLANT, then don’t use it. But there are ***plenty**** of people, particularly new teachers, that could benefit from specific advice instead of ‘its depends’ and ‘have relationships’.
Maybe if teachers had more tools in their toolboxes, fewer of us would leave the profession so early on. Trial by fire doesn’t *have* to be the initiation into teaching, but the majority of the books you seem to recomend instead of TLAC sure make it that way.

Whoops *warm call, not wake call.
Whatever. Y’all all have read the book in depth, so you knew what I meant right?
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