I had one real-life and one online conversation with men today that confirmed what I suspect: men don't know the number of men that get up to creepy sh*t targeting women. They genuinely have no idea. They think it is super-rare.
My guess is that men who do creepy sh*t are not scared of women - but they are scared of other men, and so they hide their behaviour carefully.

There is no other explanation. I don't know one woman IRL who hasn't been at the receiving end, and I'm sure pervs don't teleport.
For clarification, I don’t mean ‘just’ groping and leering; you know, the usual stuff. I mean exhibitionism, voyeurism, stalking, unsolicited creepy phone calls, sexual threats, public masturbation, etc. The stuff you would get a sentence for, were the CPS to do its job.
I wonder if this lack of recognition/acceptance/extending more confidence than warranted to their brethren contributed to the pushback against #metoo ?

Many men *think* women talked about inappropriate comments, etc. (and the media didn’t help, to be fair) - I had these convos.
“No mate, we’re talking about stuff that would freak YOU out”; from being followed by men who wank openly at you to rape.

I learned to recognise the sceptical look on their faces. It rarely, if ever, happens to them, and the perps are calculating; they target women on their own.
So when we go “that’s INSANE” about things like self-ID, we are reflecting on situations that we experienced. They are still behind the curve; they are stuck with the old ‘monster in a bush’ image, or ‘flattering attention’.

No, my brothers. This stuff is terrifying and gross.
I am also not sure that the smartphone generation know, in the embodied sense, about this - with CCTV and free-at-the-point-of-use online porn, much of this has transmogrified and moved online.

One simple example; unsolicited dick pics, is clearly just flashing 2.0.
I don’t think this subset of males have changed at all. With the amount of networked surveillance technology we now have, the new target locations are spaces without CCTV.

People up to no good scan for cameras. I know; I live centrally in a CCTV shadow. Catnip to dealers.
All you need, if you want to get up close and personal in areas where women and girls can be found, vulnerable anc and there are no CCTV cameras, is an unquestionably excuse to be there, and no other men present - because perps hide their behaviours from other men.
And no, m’dears, the law doesn’t protect us from this. It didn’t then, it doesn’t now, and it won’t tomorrow. We only have prevention and each other. And self-ID undermines precisely those.
So, we are NOT saying trans people (who are served by the GRA2004, which requires a diagnosis) ‘are all pervs’.

I am talking about *people who are excluded by the current GRA2004 because they can’t or won’t get medical docs or treatment*.

Why do you think that is?
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