lots of headlines & I know that people sometimes just scroll headlines. So, about the resignation of the #Lebanese government [apologies for those for whom this is obvious]

The resignation of a government does NOT result in elections or even necessarily a change in government
Instead, the current government immediately becomes a caretaker government, until a new government/PM goes through a vote of confidence process in Parliament. This can and probably will take a long while, especially in the absence of parliamentary elections. The only time
Lebanese citizens vote is for Parliament, it is a parliamentary system. Everything else [president, prime minister], Parliament votes for. Sometimes I feel some journalists & some commentators really think there is no system at all, or maybe they think readers don't care about
"the details." But you can't understand anything about the current resignation, or the investigation, or the system of governance and patronage, unless you acknowledge & explain the structures & processes at play. Otherwise you paint a 🖼️ that serves the powerful ,one that has
decayed Lebanon & its institutions & [supposedly] public goods for decades; the myth that there are NO checks & balances or systems of accountability, structures of oversight, not even on PAPER. On behalf of those in power, obfuscating knowledge has made it easier 2 ignore/decay
processes in place, massage them with sometimes illegal judicial/administrative interference & appointing yes men /self interested people, or making political deals over state institutions. Do you think Berri doesn't know every nook & cranny of the legal/ administrative system?
of course he does! Their [those who prob don't know like Hariri have aides that do] power thrives in part on our ignorance of a system they purportedly run (into & under the ground). I'm not saying knowing/ explaining the system is all we need but lack of knowledge & a myth that
there is only structural chaos in Lebanon makes it worse.

The system of political sectarianism itself, at the executive level, exists nowhere in [written, published] law. Please, if you are interested in #Lebanon beyond the shock of the explosion, keep reading beyond headlines
obv lebanese citizens also vote for municipal elections, but only national scale vote is for parliament. I use the language of "citizens" purposely, 30% of Lebanon's residents, 30% of the body politic in Lebanon, are not citizens. 30% has no representation or voice in the govt
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