Globalisation, Economic Development And Inequality: An Alternative Perspective by Erik S Reinert (2004).
"The fundamental cause of economic welfare is human productive creativity and morality", (Reinert, 2004).
"National competitive advantage had to be created in knowledge intensive activities before free trade with the most advanced nations could be established", (Reinert, 2004).
"Man is not the only animal who Labours, but he is the only who improves his workmanship", (Reinert, 2004).
"No nation-state has ever developed from poverty to affluence without taking the production-based canon as its fundamental guide for economic policy over long-periods", (Reinert, 2004).
"The history of economic thought has to a great extent developed into a genealogy of neoclassical economics", (Reinert, 2004).
"Export of raw material and import of manufactured good are bad trade", (Reinert, 2004).
"Man's essential and pleasurable duty was to innovate", (Reinert, 2004).
"The greater the advance in scientific knowledge, the more numerous will be the inventions which save labour and raw materials and lead to new product and processes", (Reinert, 2004).
"Industrialisation will greatly increase the value of a countries natural resources", (Reinert, 2004).
"Economics cannot and must not be separated from morality", (Reinert, 2004).
"Do as the English did, not as they say", (Reinert, 2004).
"World Bank, following a strategy that manufacturing does not matter, carries out structural adjustment programmes which in many cases lead to the deindustrialisation of whole nation's, with a consequent collapse of national welfare", (Reinert, 2004).
"The one who has the gold makes the rules", (Reinert, 2004).
"EU policy toward the Third World is based on a theory which denies that economies of scale and increasing returns exist", (Reinert, 2004).
"The principle sell manufactured products, buy raw material was for centuries the English substitute for an economic theory", (Reinert, 2004).
"Investment in transportation and communication are both productivity-enhancing and price-reducing(deflationary), and as such a prime engine of general investment", (Reinert, 2004).
"A major problem with promotion of infrastructure is how to initiate and finance it", (Reinert, 2004).
"Increasing the standard of living if the majority of the population is not a moral imperative, it becomes an economic necessity in order to keep the economy growing", (Reinert, 2004).
"Financial investments are a kind of sterile storage until channeled into consumption", (Reinert, 2004).
The vicious circle of debt and poverty can only be broken by creating a vicious circle of production in the Third World, not by debt forgiveness alone", (Reinert, 2004).
"Man is at the mercy of an irrational destiny we cannot influence, particularly not in a collective level", (Reinert, 2004).
"By distributing production of knowledge-intensive, high-quality products to all labour markets, not by distributing capital, the average standard of living throughout the world nay be raised considerably", (Reinert, 2004).
"Colonialism was not in the interest of the colonies themselves", (Reinert, 2004).
"Colonialism is only defensible within economic theory where national wealth grows independently of what the nation produces", (Reinert, 2004).
"It is not just economist have lost control of the discourse; the kind of ideas that are offered in a standard economic textbook do not enter into that discourse at all", (Reinert, 2004).
"If all nations would only convert to free trade, the price of factors of production-capital and labour would be the same all over the world", (Reinert, 2004)..
"Asymmetrical trade is beneficial only to the more advanced of the two trading partners", (Reinert, 2004).
"If the greater value of labour be imported, than exported, the country loses", (Reinert, 2004).
"Protecting and building knowledge has been the position of nations that gave caught up, and later overtaken, the leader", (Reinert, 2004).
"If worldwide free trade is adopted, all wage earners if the world will be equally rich", (Reinert, 2004).
"The nation's that acquire most human capital also attract more physical capital", (Reinert, 2004).
"Unresteicted free trade between nations if different stages of knowledge development will lead to significant loss of welfare for nations below certain threshold of knowledge", (Reinert, 2004).
"Communism promised that everyone would receive according to his needs", (Reinert, 2004).
"Key variables in renaissance economics are irreducible to mathematics", (Reinert, 2004).
"Renaissance economics depends on a different form of understanding, the qualitative understanding, as opposed to the quantitative which characterise the hard science", (Reinert, 2004).
"Economics was elevated to a level of abstraction where it became unscientific to be relevant", (Reinert, 2004).
"Today, standard textbook theories in their pure form are applied in practical policy only in the Third World by IMF and World Bank economist who have virtually no experience in the economic policies of the wealthy nations", (Reinert, 2004).
"Standard economics preaches the same medicine for all nations regardless of context, presently the world community is administering different medicines to the poor nations than to the wealthy nation", (Reinert, 2004).
"Mathematical economics does not deliver", (Reinert, 2004).
"The world is strategies independently of our interpretations of it", (Reinert, 2004).
"We can act as if we had the truth, as if we were right, so long as we remember that we might be wrong", (Reinert, 2020). @njivana 😅
"If theory does not mirror reality, it is untrue or wrong", (Reinert, 2004).
"As far as the statement of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality", (Reinert, 2004).
"Mindsets are important, and those who choose economics as their field usually have a qualitative inclination to begin with", (Reinert, 2004).
"Today's economic discipline has become a science of assumptions whose badge of scientific reasoning is simply the internal consistency of these assumptions", (Reinert, 2004).
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled", (Reinert, 2004).
"The power of creating wealth is vastly more important than wealth itself", (Reinert, 2004).
"Production cost fall as capital is substituted for labour", (Reinert, 2004).
"Devaluation therefore diverts purchasing power from the donest8c sector to the foreign sector", (Reinert, 2004).
"Austerity programs deny the credit needed to apply capital intensive technology", (Reinert, 2004).
"Economic growth depends on the abundance and the best use of capital, labour or natural resources", (Reinert, 2004)..
"Higher participation of primary activities leads to lower private per capita consumption, salaries and wages", (Reinert, 2004).
Growth and standards of living depend on the type of goods and services produced by a country", (Reinert, 2004).
"A nation could improve its position by subsiding economic activities subject to increasing returns and taxing those subject to diminishing returns, such as agriculture", (Reinert, 2004).
"If industry is killed off, a nations ability to support its population is seriously curtailed", (2004).
"No nation could ever grow out of poverty without an increasing return sector", (Reinert, 2004).
"Only when the increasing-return sector was firmly established should the nation graduate to free trade", (Reinert, 2004).
"It is the presence of certain economic activities that gives birth to institutions", (Reinert, 2004)..
"It is not that a primitive people civilise, later to introduce manufacturing. It is the other way around", (Reinert, 2004)..
"A nation with even an inefficient manufacturing sector will be better off than a nation with no manufacturing sector at all", (Reinert, 2004).
"The Washington institutions are not only undermining the economies of many poor nations, but by refusing to allow the Third World to follow the strategy followed by the United States they also breaking faith with the economic ideals that built the United States", (Reinert, 2004)
"Standard Textbook economics generally is applied only in the Third World, through the Washington institutions", (Reinert, 2004).
"The Washington institutions consistently refuse to allow poor countries to employ the same development policies that the rich nations used when they moved out of poverty", (Reinert, 2004).
"Communism's inefficient manufacturing sector provided a much higher national standard of living than what capitalism does with a decimated manufacturing sector, today in former Soviet nations", (Reinert, 2004).
"The undeniable historical fact is that no nation has ever reached a sustained growth path without a period of nurturing and protecting increasing-return activities", (Reinert, 2004).
Fact IMF, World Bank killed the Mongolian economy with their market ideas.
"Courts are the Washington institutions which impose the laws of a reality based on neoclassical economic theory", (Reinert, 2004).
"What would happen if we applied the legal standards imposed on the medical profession to economist?", (Reinert, 2004). @BuddyWells1 😅
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