#2: The Biden campaign must commit to refrain from spreading false and misleading content and should educate its staff and constituent supporters about the digital threats facing our election.
#3: The media must commit to avoiding incendiary headlines that don't give readers facts AND must commit to providing credible, critical news to voters about their rights & polling info as a way of flooding the zone with nonpartisan facts.
#4: Voters must learn how to distinguish news, headlines, and videos taken out of context created to mislead. Disinfo thrives on engagement, we must not give it oxygen to proliferate. Attend one of our trainings to learn how to spot & stop the spread. https://pen.org/knowing-the-news-media-literacy-project/
#5: When you're talking with friends, don't shame them if they post fake news. When you learn someone needs a ride to the polls, drive them or pay for an Uber for them. Show up for each other and hold your friends and family accountable.
#6: On Election Day, don't take as gospel early poll results or tabulations. It will be days or weeks for our presidential & down ballot election results to be counted & verified. That November period will be fertile ground for misinformation to spread. Don't fall for the mania.
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