here is a thread of all of the problematics things the criminal minds cast has done individually AND explanations about why they are problematic

tw // racism, cultural appropriation, homophobia, lesbophobia, ableism, sexual assault, misogyny, mental illness discrimination

let’s start with the fan favorite. recently matthew has been called out for a TON of shitty things. first and foremost, sexual assault allegations were made against matthew. i won’t speak much on this or provide receipts because they have been “debunked”-
however in my personal opinion, there wasnt enough evidence that fans found to prove him innocent. i, as an individual who has experienced sexual assault, am still skeptical. you have the choice to believe what you want. i’ll leave you with his ONLY response to the allegations
now, let’s move on to matthew’s lesbophobia. before i say anything, i am a lesbian and i better not see anyone on here try and tell me that these things aren’t offensive. if you’re not a lesbian you don’t get to speak on that. now i’m going to explain why these were hurtful.
regarding the first screenshot, you can see that he compares lesbians to felons and claims that he doesn’t want to rule lesbians out. there’s already this FALSE ideology around lesbian’s that we have to “wait for the right man” or that we can be converted. he contributes to it.
as far as the second and third screenshot go... not all women who have short haircuts are lesbians and not all lesbians have short haircuts. femme lesbians are often told they aren’t real lesbians since they aren’t butch. also, men cannot be lesbians, so him joking about that-
is just completely stupid. i also want to point out that these were all HIS words, nobody elses. people are trying to say that the first screenshot was a mgg roleplay account which is true, but the fan stole the words from one of matthew’s interviews. HE said it first.
while on the topic of homophobia, here is another very insensitive tweet of matthew’s. why is this insensitive? well, because once again, he is stereotyping gay people. and he’s also implying that “gay looking” is a bad thing. disgusting.
let’s now talk about matthew’s cultural approproation. this is a tweet i found of him talking about a photoshoot in which he wears a “feminine indian headdress.” i shouldn’t even have to explain why this is racist and hurtful, but i will. indians are often looked down
upon for wearing their culture’s clothing. but when people outside of their culture wear it, they get praised for it. someone’s culture isn’t a costume or a joke. it’s important to them and it should be for them only. matthew was called out for this back in 2013 but said nothing.
next, onto matthew’s ableism. matthew has said the r slur numerous times. the r slur is directed toward neurodivergent people and nobody should be using it besides neurodivergent people as a means to reclaim it. here is a video of him calling shemar the r slur.
the first screenshot here is yet another example of matthew’s usage of the r slur!! then the following images detail how he joined a campaign in 2009 (celebs who urge people to stop saying the r slur) yet he has used it many times SINCE THEN. how performative is that?
now here’s an example of matthew body shaming women. many people are saying his intentions were pure, but that doesn’t make this okay. ESPECIALLY because he explicitly said that thin women aren’t “real women.” that’s disgusting if you ask me and nobody should overlook that.
lastly for mgg, there are a couple of tweets where he makes fun of schizophrenia. YES his mom in cm has schizophrenia but that doesn’t give him the right to make light about it off screen? here’s the first tweet, which people did call him out for but once again, he said nothing.
and this too, which also doesn’t sit right with me. schizophrenia isn’t a joke and it’s certainly not FUN or COOL. mental illness shouldn’t be joked about by people who do not have it. okay that’s all i have on matthew. onto the next person...

paget brewster has also been called out recently. let’s start with the first thing. at first she was very quiet on BLM and went days and days without speaking up, no matter how much fans encouraged her to say something....
FINALLY she said “something” but was incredibly insensitive and didn’t even acknowledge the innocent black people who were being murdered. this was IT. she cares more about the looting and destroyed businesses (which can be brought back) than black lives (which can’t be)
moving on to paget’s cultural appropriation. depicted in the photos below, you can see her appropriating hermaphroditism as well as native american + romani culture. i’ve already explained why cultural appropriation is NOT okay. many fans were rightfully upset and hurt by this.
now, this is a tweet i found from paget that really rubbed me the wrong way. her ~intentions~ may have been pure but she is evidently claiming that young women & models aren’t REAL women, when they are. if you look at the replies, even MEN were calling her out.
last night paget tweeted this in response to being called out recently. by tweeting this, she set the bar EVEN LOWER. she victimized herself and didn’t apologize. she even hinted that it’s okay for people to vote for trump.. also, human rights AREN’T political issues :/
here’s the thing. paget saved my life. she was the person i looked up to. but i can’t support this. her morals clearly don’t align with mine. i’m forever grateful for everything she has done for me but i won’t stop calling her out and holding her accountable for actions.

aisha tyler tweeted this thread in 2018. it resurfaced the other night. needless to say, it’s full of falsities and it also invalidated tons of sexual assault victims, including myself. she claims to be a feminist but this thread shows completely otherwise.
in case you were wondering what the thread was in reference to, it was aziz ansari. she had also shared this article. i just want to say that if someone touches someone sexually without consent, it’s assault. nobody’s experience is less valid. furthermore, implying that it will
be easier for “true” victims to come out if “lesser” survivors stay silent, is just sickening. all sexual assault/harassment experiences are horrible and valid and NOBODY should consider it any less than it is. nobody should be afraid to speak up.
to make matters even worse, here is a video of aisha making fun of sexual harassment
now, here are some examples of aisha appropriating asian culture. these pictures surfaced the other night. she used to be a host on a show called “talk soup.” this show makes horrible and disgusting jokes.
i have hope that aisha will address these things. she uses her platform a lot and we can only hope that she will apologize sincerely.

i don’t have anything on thomas other than he has a dui, which is bad enough. everyone should know why that’s a problem. putting people’s lives at risk? nah, could never be me.
TW // sexual harassment & groping

i feel sick. genuinely i will never forgive this man. he’s disgusting
this is the man you stan?
here’s a thread on shemar. this is stuff i just found out about yesterday
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