Ironically, putting yourself first is the most unselfish thing you can do.
3 reasons why you come first:

1 - You can’t pour from an empty cup.

You have a desire to help others. What if I told you that the best route to do so is to help yourself first?

Most people have it backwards.

Helping others before you help yourself is like...
A Quarterback thinking that it’s best for the team for him to learn how to play Linebacker.


What’s best for the team is that the QB is the best QB he can possibly do.

That’s how a great QB puts his team first.
2 - This goes for your physical health too.

Neglecting your physical well-being severely limits you capacity to offer help.

Plus, being physically inadequate never lead to a fulfilled life.

Take care of yourself and you’re capacity to care for others increases.
3 - Waste too much time worrying about others and you have no direction.

One of societies biggest struggles is you’re always up in every body else’s business that you forget about your own.

No one else’s opinion matters more than yours.

No one else’s ...
Desires matter more than yours.

No one else’s dreams matter more than yours.

No one else’s happiness matters more than yours.

If this is a difficult concept to grasp, someday you’ll realize that worrying about other opinions got you nowhere.

It’s not selfish.

It’s selfLESS

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