If you hate muslims don't use: a thread of the most important islamic inventions:
Coffee: DONT DRINK COFFEE IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!A Muslim man was the inventor of the first coffee in history.
Hospital: DONT GO TO HOSPITAL IF YOU ARE ILL!! Because Muslims were the first to come with the idea of a place where people can go if they are ill and where doctors can all gather.
Pharmacy: DONT DRINK ANY KIND OF REMEDIES OR MEDICINES IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!! Muslims were the first to invent pharmacy and make medicines that you use now when you are sick :)
Surgery: IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS AND YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE, DONT GET A SURGERY TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!! Muslims were the first to come with the term, and they were the first to invent surgical instruments.
College: DONT GO TO SCHOOL OR GET AN EDUCATION IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!! A muslim woman was the first person in history to build a university, the university still exist until now in Fez, Morocco.
Cameras: DONT TAKE PICTURES IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!! A muslim scientist, Ibn Al Haitham, was the first to invent the pin-hole camera, which contains the basics to invent a modern camera.
Airplanes: DONT GO ON A PLANE IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!! Abbas Ibn Firnas, a muslim man, was the first to come with a simple design of a plane, after he invented something that allowed him to stay in air for 10 mins. It was later developed by other to become a plane.
Algebra: DONT EVER USE OR STUDY ALGEBRA IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!! A muslim man was the first person in history to invent the term and was the reason of what we see today in our style of numerals. Also muslims were the first to invent algorithms. :)
Chemistry: DONT EVER USE SOMETHING RELATED TO CHEMISTRY IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS!! Muslims were the first to invent chemistry, which helped so much in today modern inventions.
Music: IF YOU HATE MUSLIMS DONT LISTEN TO MUSIC OR USE INSTRUMENTS!! Actually, muslims were the first to invent some musical instruments, and many musical notes.
There are still soooo much inventions that i couldnt include, including Astronomy, buildings, ...etc. So now i challenge every islamophobic to not use what muslims invented and see how their lives are willing to be.
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