if there's one thing I've learned over my 20 years as an online film writer it's this:

every single movie has people who love it. every one. Tank Girl. Grease 2. Newsies. Xanadu. Armageddon. White Chicks. the Police Academy sequel that didn't even play theaters. Tron Legacy.
so many people have gotten angry at me for this tweet. but nowhere did I say or even imply that these are bad movies.
name one underappreciated, obscure, or unfairly trashed movie that you love. this is a no judgment zone. do not trash anyone's picks, no matter how bizarre you may find them.
obscure? depends on who you ask. underappreciated? absolutely. my go-to answer. always. I have many others but May is my #1
during my run as a film critic for FEARnet I was often accused (in the comments section) of being too soft. too easy. too kind to horror films that were "good" but not "great."

I'm fine with it.
movies are like food. you might think <food x> is gross but that person next to you might love it.

(in my brain <food x> is something like squid.)
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