[Thread] - How CPD Watches Social Media: Their Tools, Techniques, and Methods

If you wanna learn about CPD Intelligence operations, including the events that occurred overnight, follow this thread.

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #ChicagoPolice #CPDSOMEX #CPIC #OSINT
The 1st thing to know is that CPD has several units that come together to gather intelligence.

Just recently, I published a more detailed, up to date, complete listing of CPD units from within the CPD CLEAR Data Warehouse

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #CPIC
Before we can get into CPD's intelligence gathering methods, tools, and techniques, we first have to understand the internal structure of CPD's intel operations.

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #ChicagoPolice #CPDSOMEX #CPIC #OSINT
Let's start with the current CPD organizational tree

Office of Operations---->Deployment Operations/CPIC--->Bureau of Detectives--->Criminal Networks Group--->Detective HQ Group--->Bureau of Counterterrorism and Special Operations--->CT Division Commander

#OSINT #Chicago #CPIC
From the CT Commander, there's the attached structure under him/her

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #OSINT #CPDSOMEX #CPIC
Now....here's how this structure works!

We circle back around to CPIC which is an integrated multi-agency intelligence fusion center

CPIC gathers intel from several sources. The most important intel comes from three sources....

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #OSINT
1. The Emergency Operations Center at OEMC, dispatch operations, and CPD field units

2. Bureau of Detectives - SOMEX Unit (Social Media Team), Area Technology Center, and Area Special Missions Detectives

3. CPD District SDSC ops, CPD Intelligence

#Chicago #OSINT #CPIC
I need to pause here because I'm receiving new information about there being a new CPD organizational tree.

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #CPIC #OSINT
Everyone reading this:

Ignore the organizational chart upthread.

This is the current CPD organizational chart/tree as of June 2020.

All other information already posted as part of this thread remains current

#ChicagoPolice #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #OSINT #CPIC #Chicago
4 tweets up in this thread, you'll see why I created the #CPDSOMEX hashtag.

What is CPD SOMEX you ask?

SOMEX = Social Media Examiner/Expert

This is a team specializing in learning & operating open-source intel within many social media platforms

CPD SOMEX also conducts and assists in critical investigations that require social media to be part of that investigation.

This includes serving subpeonas on social media platforms, and obtaining and serving search warrants for social media content

What this means:

1. If your social media is left open to the public, and you live in Chicago or have ties to Chicago, CPD is mining your content as part of whatever intel op or other investigation the SOMEX Team is conducting

#OSINT #CPDSOMEX #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown
2. CPD SOMEX can subpeona or obtain a search warrant for your social media, email, texts/text content, video content, audio content, your cell carrier, and your ISP

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #OSINT
How CPD SOMEX is organized

CPD SOMEX is organized by Detective Area (Areas 1 through 5) and they use callsigns/beat identifiers as follows

5940 = Area 1 SOMEX Program Mgr

5950 = Area 1 SOMEX FBI Program Mgr

5951 = Area 1 SOMEX Program Supervisor

#ChicagoScanner #CPDSOMEX
5951 A - Z = Area 1 SOMEX Officers

5960 = Area 2 SOMEX FBI Ops Mgr

5961 = Area 2 SOMEX Task Force Supervisor

5961 A - Z = Area 2 SOMEX Officers

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #OSINT
Follow this same identification matrix for Areas 3 through 5 where 59 = SOMEX Team, 70 and 71 series at the end for Area 3, Series 80 and 81 at the end for Area 4, 90 and 91 Series for Area 5

The letters at the end indicate two or more officers to a team

#Chicago #CPDSOMEX
The link I posted just one tweet up is from 2018, but in the bigger picture, that two year time span isn't all that long ago

Now that you:

1. Know about SOMEX

2. Know how SOMEX is organized at CPD in partnership with the FBI

We can get further into this

Remember I mentioned CPIC earlier?

The CPD policy document that lays out everything about CPIC is CPD Special Order S03-04-04. This is a 5 page policy.


#Chicago #CPDSOMEX #CPIC #OSINT #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown
I also mentioned field units as a source of intelligence earlier in this thread

Before we can learn anything more, we have to know about the District Intelligence Officer

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #OSINT
Since it's only a two-page policy, I've provided it for you.

Don't get stuck on the gang function. District Intelligence Officers can be used for other intel services needed by CPD at any time.

#ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #CPIC #OSINT
The particular interest in this policy:

TRAP, GIPP, PSIT, and District Intelligence Bulletins

These aren't merely intel gathering tools, they are also methods, and go to showing that anyone can be swept into CPD's intel ops.

#Chicago #CPDSOMEX #CPIC #OSINT #ChicagoScanner
TRAP = Targeted Repeat Offender Apprehension and
Prosecution (TRAP) offender list

GIPP = Gang Intervention Probation Program (GIPP)

In almost every CPD case report, you'll see officers say they checked a person against TRAP and GIPP.

#OSINT #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown
I know this is a longer thread than normal for me, but to lay all this out so people can see the enormity and context of CPD intelligence ops, operational information, tools, methods and techniques is quite involved

Thanks for your patience, it's well worth it

#OSINT #Chicago
To further understand CPD Intelligence ops, we look to CPD Special Order S10-01

Here are the key parts of this policy to know

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #OSINT
Resuming this thread for a 2nd day, I want to remind everyone that no one else in Chicago has written anything like this thread where every known piece of information regarding CPD intelligence has been centralized in one place.

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #OSINT
This thread has, so far, covered the new CPD organizational tree to show the overall CPD intelligence structure, the #CPDSOMEX Unit, the CPD Intelligence Officer function, and the CPD Exceptional Response Plan.

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #OSINT
Here is the CPD Exceptional Response Plan Checklist. Four CPD Bureaus are involved in this plan:

* Bureau of Patrol

* Bureau of Detectives

* Bureau of Crime Control Strategies

* Bureau of Organized Crime

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #ChicagoPolice #OSINT
Moving forward from the ERP now, we can get into a CPD unit that is still sorta new-ish, but quickly becoming more skilled and developed with daily experience.

Welcome to SDSC!

Strategic Decision Support Centers

There's one in each CPD district

CPD SDSC was created by CPD Special Order S03-02 on 26 July 2019, and the policy updated 11 March 2020

There are two other SDSC policies:

* S03-02-01

* S03-02-02

#Chicago #ChicagoSDSC #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #CPDSOMEX #OSINT #ChicagoCPIC
SDSC will be heard on the air on their respective radio zones assigned to each individual district.

SDSC callsigns start with the district of assignment and end in 02, 02S1 (SDSC Sgt), 02S2, 02S3, 02S4, and so on.

#ChicagoSDSC #OSINT #CPDSOMEX #ChicagoCPIC #CrimeisDown
The thing to know about SDSC ops is that they're doing more than just acting as the eyes and ears of district level operations.

SDSC has a civilian Intelligence Analyst who does a few things in that role within SDSC.

#Chicago #CPDSOMEX #ChicagoCPIC #ChicagoSDSC #OSINT
From S03-02 and S03-02-01 regarding Civilian Criminal Intelligence Analysts

#Chicago #CPDSOMEX #ChicagoCPIC #CrimeisDown #ChicagoScanner #ChicagoSDSC
Day 3 of this thread tomorrow.

See ya then, and I'm sooooo happy people are getting something from this!

#Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CrimeisDown #ChicagoPolice #CPDSOMEX #ChicagoCPIC #ChicagoSDSC
I was supposed to get back on this thread, wasn't I?

I promise Monday I'll add to this! It isn't finished yet, not even close. There's still a lot to know, and then I can get into the looting operations.
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