I am very happy to announce that I am included in this wonderful collection!!! https://twitter.com/GenderBen/status/1292767283744575488
while my article ( #Autogynephilia: A scientific review, feminist analysis, and alternative ‘embodiment fantasies’ model) resides behind a journal paywall, I've uploaded a copy of the manuscript to my "trans psychology" webpage, so please check it out! http://juliaserano.com/TSetiology.html 
also in the collection is this important contribution from @rowan_hc on a better framework for researching & helping ppl who detransition: https://twitter.com/rowan_hc/status/1292986248471048192
...also @ButNotTheCity's article on ROGD is excellent too, making several points I have not seen in previous critiques – you can access it here: https://twitter.com/ButNotTheCity/status/1292817626868187137
I will most likely add more articles/links to this thread as I read them, but stepping away from computer now...
You can follow @JuliaSerano.
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