A S Sudanese researcher recently asked who supported the SPLM during the struggle. I did not know these young man but I told him you know those often mentioned by those inside and outside the region. But there are those who are not known by many.
Ethiopia by far was/is the longest and strong supporter of the South even before the SPLM. I became a die hard supporter of the South because my father told me as a young man what the struggle was about. Is was in the early 70s.
Eritrea, Uganda, Kenya, and Zimbabwe were also key allies. I remember Zim was the first country to allow an SPLM office with a flag. Many Ethiopians, Ugandans, and Eritreans died fighting alongside the SPLA. Many are buried in the South. Kenya provided safe place for leadership.
The U.S. supported the North and was opposed to Self determination until Bashir took over. It took years for us and friends of the South to build a strong base of support in Congress first and then the Executive branch. While working for Congress,
I wrote and help pass a law that recognized the rights to self determination for South Sudan. With support from many in Congress, the U. S. Also imposed a number of sanctions on Bashir gov. These sanctions helped the South and isolated Bashir.
But the U. S. Also provided security assistance thru the frontline states that made a big difference after the SPLM split and a new front in the East. We also exempted the liberated areas in the South. I remember what a senior NIF official asked me after the CPA was signed.
He said now you got the South free why not lift the sanctions. I told him implement the CPA fully first, and then we talk. He asked if i could arrange a meeting with Cong. Payne. I said are u sure? At the meeting what Payne said to him was amazing.
Right from the start he told the NIF minister that he reminds him of white South African. You kill and maim innocent civilians but when out of country you pretend as if you are innocent. He told him as long as the NIF is in power i will do what I can for South Sudan.
Rwanda was an important ally but not known by many. I remember asking President Paul Kagame for support. He said u always talk about the South and Garang but I never met him. Rwanda provided imp support, including training.
Establishing a military presence in the East was not easy. How do you transport armed SPLA soldiers to the East. The late Garang had an American friend who introduced me many years ago. This man owned an airline company in Africa and other places.
So he provided his planes for transport for free. Khartoum had no idea that these fighters were being transported over the airspace of Sudan. At the start of the Ethiopia-Eritrea war, one of the planes landed in Asmara and was bombed when Ethiopia attacked the airport.
Besides governments, there were many dedicated allies of the South who did a lot. Roger Winter, Eric Reeves, John Pendegrast, Susan Rica, G Clooney, Frank Wolf, D. Payne, David Tokoph, and many others in the U. S. And around the World.
Meant Susan Rice not Rica.
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