Korra is the worst avatar to ever exist. She got everything handed to her, and had no character development at ALL until season 4. She LITERALLY had to get the character development BEATEN INTO HER, and yet she STILL ends up a whiny baby bitch. Fuck Korra.
In terms of the show itself, it shat on ALL the lore building that ATLA did. I won’t go into details because I honestly forgot due to blocking that shitstorm of a show from my memory, but if y’all weren’t so blinded by “she’s woman therefore she’s the goat” you’d know what I mean
And don’t even get me STARTED on Team Korra, bro holy shit.
Bolin has the brain capacity of a 5 year old, literally sexually harassed a woman on set of his movie, and ruins scenes by adding “quirky” one liners. He’s like if Sokka stayed the way he was in season 1, but then regressed like 3x more.
Mako literally cheated on Asami with Korra, and spent the whole rest of the show trying to make both of them his girlfriend.

Speaking of Korra cheating and shut like that, she got with EVERYBODY on Team Korra. She a whole ass thot.
Asami is okay, I guess. But her relationship with Korra came out of NOWHERE. And no, it was not hinted at throughout the show, you all are just saying that in a desperate attempt to either a) not look crazy and/or b) find SOME sort of actual good romance in this dogshit show.
A few words on the side characters of team Korra.

Jinora is a better Avatar than Korra could ever be, Lin is pretty cool, Suyin is dogshit, Varrik is a wannabe Howard Stark, Opal would have been so much better if she hadn’t ended up with Bolin, and Tenzin is just above mid.

Amon is SO GOOD right up until the end

Red Lotus is GOATED bro. Zaheer and Pli is the only actual good romance in this show, and Water arm chick and Lavabending guy are so fucking cool

Kuvira is pretty good

Unalaq fucking SUCKS. Dark Avatar? Really???
Overall, this show is a solid 5/10. Calling it a letdown would be an understatement after the 10/10 that is ATLA.

And before anybody calls me homophobic or racist for not liking Korra, I’m black and bisexual, so fuck off.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
Oh yea and pro-bending is so fucking stupid. Takes all the badass-ness of bending and turns it into a spectator sport.

Fights are cool though, even though it’s not even based off of martial arts anymore (as far as I can tell)
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