Okay y'know what fuck it - come 3pm, I'm gonna spend the next 24 hours saying ONLY nice things about Moffat. At least one tweet an hour, and I have to mention a different positive thing each time. Sound good? Because I'm fucking dreading it lmao. But I'ma do it. https://twitter.com/MaddoxProTweets/status/1292669184854364160
Here we go people... 24 hours of Maddox saying ONLY positive things about Steven Moffat's era of Doctor Who.
Starting with the obvious; Bill is Moffat's best contribution to Doctor Who. A charming, earnest and down to earth change of pace from his prior companions, she ushered in a fresh optimistic vibe to the end of Capaldi's run and is probably the most wholesome companion since Jo.
The Eleventh Doctor and Amy have a generally lovely bond. The dynamic of the Doctor as a companion's childhood imaginary friend does feel unique, and the majority of emotional or sentimental scenes between the two are among the best moments of both characters.
I approve of the Twelfth Doctor's emotionally distant and snarky attitude in Series 8. Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood and Flatline showcase how unique and endearing this persona could be and I honestly think they should've kept going, but minus the companion domestic conflict.
I do like the early Smith era's psychological/memory horror elements - the Silence and the Cracks erasing memories or events from history are decently chilling ideas.
He - EVENTUALLY - brought out some of the best material of the Cyberman. And some of the best Master material too.
Speaking of World Enough and Time, it had two instances of the Twelfth Doctor giving a poignant fancy dramatic speech (as was the norm in his era), except.... both of them are ignored this time. DELICIOUSLY TRAGIC AND HOPELESS.

(kudos to Thin Ice for doing something similar)

Devoted, pure, adorable Rory.
This one is a bit of a two sided coin for me, but Series 7 through 10 making the revival more entwined with Classic Who lore and imagery. On the positive side this does result in a feeling of overall franchise coherency and helps the Classics feel more "tangible" to newcomers.

Superfluous yeah, but he was a decently charming addition to the series and he has some great moments with both Bill and the Doctor (and his goodbye is surprisingly heartfelt, ouch)
The final three episodes of Series 9 feature some of the best performances in all of Doctor Who; career best work from both Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman. I can at least appreciate this storytelling material for allowing these powerhouse actors to demonstrate their sheer range.
Day of the Doctor had this rabbit. Damn that is a sweet rabbit.
We had Paul McGann back in a visual medium! Should've been more than a minisode, he should've been in the 50th itself, but y'know, it was still lovely to *see* him act as the character again.
I actually really liked the different take on the Angels that Series 5 gave us; a more sadistic brutal depiction with some interesting and threatening new abilities that genuinely elevated their threat level in my eyes. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven...
When his head was screwed on right, he could do some intelligent and air-tight time travel problems. World Enough and Time's black hole is superb. I also like that gag in The Big Bang when future Amelia is thirsty because the Doctor stole past Amelia's drink to give to her later.
He canonically paved the way for genderswap regenerations, which is good.
He did write some good multi-Doctor interactions - specifically between 10 & 11, and the dynamic between them remains easily the best thing about the 50th.
That bit where the Twelfth Doctor punched the TARDIS console in frustration. Wonderfully edgetastic, and the last gasp we got of dark!Capaldi.
A Christmas Carol probably is one of the most fresh and original tellings of... well, A Christmas Carol. Great characters in Kazran and Abigail, and there's a flying shark.
Speaking of which, the early Series 5-era obsession with marine life-inspired creatures. That was a fun trend.
The Eleventh Doctor getting shot on the beach.

No other reason beyond me taking any excuse to watch him get tortured.
River Song's romantic chemistry with the Twelfth and Tenth Doctors is far far better and more convincing than it ever was with the Eleventh.

Not exactly a "positive" statement, but y'know... taking what I can get here.
Good villain ideas on occasions.
That bit in Doctor Mysterio when the Doctor is just casually eating sushi while infiltrating Harmony Shoal.
This later-era character beat of Bill telling the Doctor she has so few photos of her mum, and then the Doctor goes back and takes more photos for her to find? Perfection.
More World Enough and Time appreciation, but Bill seeing herself as a Cyberman is also perfection.
And finally, even if a lot of his ideas didn't work for me, I can at least say Moffat was an ambitious writer with some avant guarde ideas for where he wanted to take the show.
And now, to cap off this thread of positivity, here is all the Moffat era episodes that I like.
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