The UK used to have a constitutional convention of ministerial responsibility. If a minister lied to Parliament or messed up badly, he or she would resign. The government is on a mission to convince people schools are safe.

2. @GavinWilliamson says the "latest research, which is expected to be published later this year - one of the largest studies on the coronavirus in schools in the world, makes it clear there is little evidence that the virus is transmitted at school". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53718066
3. @Helen_Whately hasn't read the research, but just knows schools are safe. https://twitter.com/BBCBreakfast/status/1292717759965601793?s=20
4. And @BorisJohnson, a man who may or may not know how many children he has, talks of a 'moral duty' to send children to school. https://twitter.com/BorisJohnson/status/1292377499352141830?s=20
7. This study demonstrates how an Israeli school became the centre of a large outbreak.

9. And numerous studies show children transmit the #SARSCoV2 virus particularly effectively. https://twitter.com/EckerleIsabella/status/1290580565264138245?s=20
11. Unsatisfied with the results of having followed 'the science', Gavin Williamson now says the government is following 'the BEST science'. But this unpublished PHE paper no one else can see appears to fly against scientific evidence and experience from around the world.
12. In some ways, the UK was fortunate with the timing of the first wave. The peak came in April after flu season. When schools reopen in September, it will be in the run up to flu season, which follows a predictable pattern every year. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jul/19/what-happens-when-flu-meets-covid-19
13. Even if children are asymptomatic for #COVID19, co-infection with other respiratory viruses is likely to increase transmission. And co-infection with influenza is no longer a hypothetical possibility. #SARSCoV2 and influenza infect simultaneously. https://twitter.com/adamhamdy/status/1289097587329511426?s=20
14. The government failed to act swiftly and decisively to neutralise the #COVID19 threat. It decided to prioritise pubs over schools, and we're now seeing the inevitable increase in cases. If it isn't safe to open schools because community transmission is too high...
15. ... the fault lies with the government. Not with unions such as the @NEUnion and its leaders @cyclingkev & @MaryBoustedNEU. Nor with concerned parents.

This is not a moral crusade. It is a public health issue.
16. If, as seems likely, reopening schools with normal class sizes and without masks for all contributes to a rise in community transmission, with associated illness and death, this government will have failed yet again.
17. I would like to hear from @CMO_England and @uksciencechief

I'd like to know whether they share the government's confidence that it is safe to reopen schools. I would like to know the scientific basis for such confidence.
18. I would also like @GavinWilliamson @Helen_Whately and @BorisJohnson to make a public commitment to resign if they're wrong. One can gauge how much someone believes in something by what they're prepared to put at risk.
19. The government is asking school staff and parents to trust it and put themselves and children at risk. To gamble health and, in some cases, life, on the government's word. It is only reasonable to expect government ministers to stake their careers on this issue.
20. And if they won't commit to taking ministerial responsibility over this issue, then we need a different approach. Distance learning for some or all? Masks for all who are able to wear them? Limited class sizes? Student rotations?
21. This government has shown a distinct lack of creativity and innovation when confronting this novel threat. Rather than blaming others for having reasonable public health concerns during a global pandemic, it is time for the government to up its game.
22. I would also like to see more data on #LongCovid in children. The government originally presented #COVID19 as a 'mild' illness with a 14-day recovery. We now know that isn't the case for many. How are children affected long-term? https://twitter.com/ClaireHastie1/status/1292749972618842112?s=20
23. From the people who brought you
Mass Events are Safe
14-day Recovery
Just wash your hands
Plenty of PPE

Comes the latest in the #COVID19 misinformation franchise:

Kids Don't Catch It*

*They do. Quite easily it seems. https://twitter.com/revrrlewis/status/1292811531764355072?s=20
24. Adding some information about two more actual studies in the absence of the government's imaginary one. https://twitter.com/LizaD0Little/status/1292886428519727105?s=20
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