Over the course of the next few weeks we’re planning to #tweet a #SilentFilmPoster everyday to showcase some of the fantastic/crazy artwork which make up the film posters of the silent era. Do tell us if you have any favourites... #SilentFilm #filmposter
Our first #SilentFilmPoster is a Swedish poster for Joseph De Grasse’s #silentfilm Heart ‘O the Hills (1919) starring Mary Pickford and Harold Goodwin. If you do watch it, keep an eye out for John Gilbert as well.
Jump aboard for our second #SilentFilm poster for this week. Frank Lloyd’s The Sea Hawk (1924); it’s a real beauty! #SilentFilmPoster
Our #SilentFilmPoster for today is from the German #SilentFilm Jagd auf Menschen aka Hunted People (Nunzio Malasomma, 1926). This is the Russian poster designed by those clever Stenberg Brothers. We’ll be seeing more of their work in the next few weeks. #FilmPoster
Artwork for our #SilentFilmPoster for today comes from Josef Fenneker. Otto Rippert’s #Silentfilm Der Totentanz (1919), produced by Erich Pommer, starring Sasha Gura and written by Fritz Lang.
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