Remember to keep it light and polite when you criticize the people who abuse and objectify marginalised people, or they might be forced to block you and then make some fun quips :)
This kind of thing is very tedious and probably pointless, but this sums up the pointlessness pretty well. In this assignment, please discuss a) how the doctor claims ownership of marginalised people's lives, and b) demands they respect him if they want to participate
It's the kind of thing that's immediately called out when there is even a semblance of equality between the parties. Of course, if someone has power over you, and they're discussing what to do with you, you should speak up, EVEN IF YOU DON'T RESPECT THEM
It's the kind of thing everyone gets up in arms about when Trump storms out of the room, or speaks over some reporter who dares to criticize him. Of course you don't have to respect a politician to criticize them. That would be absurd. Of course politicians should be accountable
What Aftab is doing is pretending that he's not doing politics. That talking about marginalised people, who and why they are, what should be done to them, is philosophy or science, and doctors should be free to discuss them without interruption by the marginalised people
In my eyes, it's this kind of discussion that violates the "etiquettes of civil discourse". In other words, it's dehumanising and belittling. So when Aftab says that I'm the one who violates the "etiquette" when I point this out, I see that as a deep spiritual poverty on his part
For someone like Aftab to realize that he does harm requires a spiritual process that can't be forced. And it probably will never happen. People in power can very easily go through life exploiting and objectifying their lessers while telling themselves they're doing good.
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