Improve Your People Skills As a Developer 👇

Today I will talk about my personal experience of how I achieved good people skills in my tech journey, which will help you to grow in your career.

Let's Decode in This Thread 🧵

People are interested in themselves, not you 👇

People think of themselves and their self-interests. (bitter truth)

They care about their problems and their lives – they do not care about your problems and your lives unless they happen to be your close friends.
Understand this nature of people in order to connect with them.

If you focus your interactions on yourself, people will not like you very much,
Stop talking about yourself – talk about them instead 👇

Avoid talking about yourself in any conversation as much as possible.

Talk about the other person, You will need some practice.
Listen actively and ask questions 👇

Anyone worth talking to is worth listening to.

Be attentive and listen to what people are telling you.

Do not cut people off and do not interrupt them. Let them talk as long as they can.
You learn far more from your ears than you do from your tongue.

Also, ask open-ended questions. Questions that have answers beyond yes and no.

Pro Tip: If you look at them and stay silent, they will continue talking.
Agree with people; don’t disagree unless specifically 👇

This is a mistake many smart people make – and I used to do it :

you are argumentative and try to start debates. You disagree with people and tell them that they are wrong. And then fight start.
Being likable is a huge and underrated asset 👇

If people like you, they will stand with you, help you, and take your side even when you’re wrong.

Do not disagree and argue with people unless you absolutely have you.
Smile Always While Taking 👇

Again, smiling and using open body language makes you appear warm and approachable.

Keep your body open – don’t cross your arms. Be relaxed, not tense.

People can feel your “vibe,” and it affects them, whether they are aware of it or not.
Compliment people 👇

People feel good when their contributions are noticed. They despise you if they think you do not care.

If someone worked all night to make a report for you, thank them and acknowledge their hard work.
if your friend loses some weight, let them know that you can see the difference.

If you like someone’s outfit, specifically your wife/girlfriend give them a quick compliment. Thanks, me later.
Avoid criticizing 👇

Don’t hurt people’s egos unless you absolutely have to. Don’t criticize people unless you absolutely have to.

It does you no good.

Critics make no friends, only enemies.
Stop giving people advice 👇

This one is for managers who are in roles where you are continually helping other people.

"Unfortunately, the vast majority of people do not appreciate the advice they did not ask for"

Think again next time before giving advice.
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