Epstein Island was the tip of the iceberg...

Oprah: Cancelled. Magazine caput. Ellen: Cancelled. Jimmy Kimmel: Taking a break. Piers Morgan: Taking a break. Tom Hanks: Became a Greek citizen.
Chrissy Tiegen: Made twitter private, deleted 60,000 tweets, blocked 1,000,000+.

Jenna Jameson: Went public about being raped, conditioned, and trafficked in Hollywood as a child.

Justin Beiber: Released music video “Yummy” confirming being a victim of pizzagate as a child.
Isaac Kappy: Repeatedly named Hanks as pedophile. "Committed suicide" on Route 66 just after Hanks tweeted about road kill on Route 66.

Avicii: “Commited suicide” days after releasing video ('For a Better Day') highlighting child sex trafficking.
Chris Cornell: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.

Chester Bennington: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.

Anthony Bourdain: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.
Epstein: Didn't kill himself.

Maxwell: Judge will eventually make private documents public (fears for her life).

Judge appointed to Maxwell/Epstein case: Son is murdered. Husband shot.
Hollywood: SILENT.

Media: <CRICKETS>.

COVID: 99.99% US population survival rate but talked about by all of Hollywood, media, and social media platforms 24/7.
Doctors with different views: Silenced, blocked, mocked, censored, fired.

1,600+ CEOs suddenly "retire".

MEDIA: "Golly, what will be the new name of the Washington Football Team?" “OMG Jada and Will Smith might get a divorce!”
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