#WalkAway: "Hello. I’m a former-liberal and I worry about posting this but here we are #WalkAway. (To my friends that see this, if you want to unfriend me, I understand, however I’m willing to have a dialogue about my decision and would love to explain the reasons why I’m 1/x
walking away from the Democratic Party.)

I’m a first-gen American, I was raised to be patriotic. My parents came from communist and third world countries so I was taught to appreciate the freedoms of America. However, I was also very (& still am) socially liberal and sort 2/x
of equated that to being a liberal because I didn’t know anything about policies and politics. I didn’t vote in 2016 because I didn’t like HRC and I thought Trump was a “bigot.”

Then the Kavanaugh trials really opened my eyes to politics. I heard these accusations that were 3/x
clearly ludicrous, and then I started to question, why does the MSM hate Trump so much that they’re willing to block his SCOTUS nominee on (clearly) bogus charges? Why are they constantly pushing this narrative that Trump is bad and racist? So I found myself watching Ben 4/x
Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Larry Elder, Blaire White, Steven Crowder, and I wondered “why are their opponents so emotional and hateful when presented with facts?” The thing I noticed about these political commentators is that you don’t have to agree with them on everything, & 5/x
yet they will still speak to you with respect... when I tried to engage in similar dialogue with Democrats/ leftists I was met with insults:
“you’re a racist.”
“you’re a white-apologist.”
“Just say you’re a racist and go... say it.”

So I did my own research and “woke up” 6/x
and realized that I had been a sheep in a herd of lies. As a non-white person, (my race shouldn’t matter but I’ll include for transparency) I loathe racists, Trump is not and never was a racist.... Biden on the other hand whew. I digress now.
Thanks for reading all of this.

#Trump2020" - Nicole 🇺🇸 8/8
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