Few things as magnificent as James Gandolfini in a patterned shirt and pleated brown slacks breathing heavily and thinking about beating someone up
Greatest Rutgers grad ever
I laugh just watching Tony Soprano walk
Tony Soprano fighting a gushing tangled garden hose in his driveway while yelling at Janice is a moment of peak masculine greatness
Also Paulie is a beautiful man and every tracksuit he wears is handstitched by god
When Tony opens the fridge for the fourth time in an episode
The four second Roman sex dream Tony has in Commendatori is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a television show
A pioneer
Oh my god
Carmela at Livia’s funeral getting hammered and going off is incredible

Peak episode and also peak Dirtbag Janice, incredible depravity in every moment
in awe of this beautiful man
Paulie visits a guy in a coma and throws a huge Whitman’s sampler he probably bought at Duane Reade ten minutes prior on the hospital bed, an actual perfect man
Okay “Pine Barrens” is flawless but the one after that — “Amor Fou,” where Jackie Jr busts up the card game and Furio gets shot— is just as good and ridiculously tense
Melfi’s session with Tony in this one is the Vince Carter dunk reel of psychotherapy
Lollllll at dumbass Jackie Jr getting his ass handed to him in chess by a little girl and Omar
hell yes junior let it out
okay into season four, dying laughing at Carmine telling Tony that "Dons don't wear shorts"
Janice is peak lady dirtbag, none more dirtbaggish
Her love scene with Ralph is one of the series' high points, or low points, or maybe both, either way I respect how every sex scene in the Sopranos is the funniest thing I've ever seen
other shows: what a beautiful expression of human emotion in the physical form

the Sopranos: here's some footage of animals making weird faces and doing very strange things
Tony’s watching World War Two docs in his underwear, I’ve never felt so close to him
Goat steals this whole scene
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