(1) This is the potential for voter fraud that @realDonaldTrump is warning about with universal mail in voting.

My mother received 3 pieces of mail, asking for updated signatures, for 3 people who don't live at her address.

Me, my brother, and someone we've never heard of.
(2) What would stop a bad actor from simply signing this form and receiving/casting three fraudulent mail in votes (now with matching signatures) in the November election?

I left California 5 years ago and formally notified California that I was now living on the east coast.
(3) My family has owned the home at this address since 1962. No one has ever heard of 'Magalena Fregoso.' It's a fraudulent registration.

My brother moved out to a different part of CA years ago.
(4) How many of these "signature verification" forms have gone out to people who don't live at the listed address?

How is CA going to know that a returned signature form is fraudulent?

How many fraudulent votes will be mailed in as a result?

This is going to be a disaster.
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