The issues with all these lockdowns is that “virus is going to virus” I personally estimate that every major state will get AT LEAST 2k cases per 100k, (tho states like CT, MI etc that got hit hard when there was less testing won’t make it)
And most big counties that are getting their surges now will have at least 4k per 100k, remember this is CASES, which we CANT control, deaths are what we CAN control by actually shielding the vulnerable
Personally I get sick seeing all the talk about hospital capacity etc. I HATE it that there is this DEADLY “1 size fits all policy” which is getting all these elderly people killed, BUT the hospitals were never CLOSE to being over run like they claimed it would be
Where I live in central jersey, the NY tri state area got hit REALLY hard, of course we had a lockdown & we actually listened bc we were so petrified then with seeing so many people going to hospitals & then dying, the truth is the ONKY way you can have lockdowns is with people
“Agreeing to be locked down” those days we didn’t know any better, all we knew is that the ambulances were busy non stop, non in retrospect it was almost all panic AND these lockdowns caused a lot of the virus to be “funneled” to the REALLY vulnerable who died
Bottom line is; this virus is going to spread to a certain extent in every major area NO MATTER WHAT, the ONLY thing these lockdowns do is cause more damage in terms of the wrong people contacting it & dying & also just pushing it down the road all for nothing...
And I disagree STRONGLY with people who say that reopenings doesn’t cause spikes, OF COURSE it does, and that’s the point, eventually people will have to start living again, & guess what... the big bad virus is still here, and that just PROVES how useless lockdowns are
I view what happened as very simple, after June 1st when all the protests/riots started a lot of people were like “screw that, why am I staying home etc?” And people starting living life again & guess what... the virus was still here, I believe human action is STRONGLY correlated
To how it spreads, when people are scared they will stay home etc, & be more careful, now a lot of people just don’t care, so it will spread where it didn’t already, there is an EXCELLENT website by @burgwx where I get all these charts & stuff check it out
Regarding Florida I see them as well on their way down, unfortunately deaths will probably go up a bit because of the backlogs, but won’t go over 12,000
Recently I have learnt that a lot of people looking for good data & charts arent aware of this website by @burgwx if you are looking Excellentclear charts & stuff there is no better resource than this site, check it out, states & counties & other countries
Again I can’t stress enough how treating this like the modern day Spanish flu while it’s NOTHING like that where young perfectly healthy people died en mass unlike here where it’s EXCLUSIVELY the elderly and vulnerable
And I’m not saying for a second that “who cares about them?” Just the opposite, putting all the emphasis on locking down the young & healthy just causes MORE deaths by prolonging this virus & having it stay around to infect more elderly, also when there is so much talk about ...
How it’s like the worst virus ever known to mankind etc. then people get it, guess what? They don’t even do the BASIC things when people are sick like stay home so you shouldn’t spread it, they are like “cmon THIS is the coronavirus?” Because it’s the “boy crying wolf” syndrome
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