Just returned from a lengthy hiatus in normal land where people don't immerse themselves in social media and politics.

Here is what I know based on my anectodatal experience in a non "red" area:
Vast majority think masks are stupid but tolerate them because they have to.

No one I have engaged with thinks COVID warrants the fear mongering. And my family got hit with it while I was there. 

Everyone wants their kids back in school
In a rioter "zone" and despite the best efforts of the media and local lib government, people know the "protestors" are rioters. The energy is very much "these people need to be stopped, don't care how".

And Breonna Taylor isn't having quite the impact libs think it is.
The threat letters sent to local businesses was a big ass fucking mistake. You pushed people over the edge with that nonsense.
This is destroying the elderly. And I don't mean COVID deaths.

We are literally emotionally and psychologically destroying our older generation in nursing homes who can no longer touch, hug, hold hands, or be in close proximity to their family.
Ive watched my aunt over the last several weeks deteriorate and sink into depression from not being able to hold her children and grandchildren and family. My mother and Aunt both said they would rather die from COVID than live without the touch of their loved ones.
The gov and mayor who are capitulating to the rioters bring a scowl to the face of anyone when you mention them.

My mom and I are black sheep when it comes to politics. She comes from a hard core dem family and they are all jumping ship.
But they have been indoctrinated to hate R's, so they are lost right now. But some will vote Trump because they think he is the only option.
If Trump wants to win reelection, bigly, then he needs to speak to the lost and abandon.
The silent majority is angry and depressed, they don't want to give in to this "new normal" but they don't know how to fight against the tide.
Trump needs to give them the will and the means to fight. People don't need hope, which is what Biden camp is trying and failing to sell.
They want to fight. They want to voice their opinions. They want a leader. Someone who will tell them this is not normal. Someone who will give them back their normal lives. They're more than willing to accept risk, they need a leader who will encourage them to stand and be heard
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