Posts like this really make it clear that words like "the patriarchy" and "capitalism" just mean "the devil". People like OP have never thought about what these words truly mean. Under patriarchy, which means "rule by fathers", onlyfans wouldn't exist. No father would allow it
The fact that things like onlyfans exist proves how disempowered men and fathers actually are. It is precisely WOMEN THEMSELVES who demand the ability to whore themselves out online for cash. These are "slut walks" -- Don't see a lot of men, do you?
Yes, it takes men to buy it, but it's a funny old thing, shows the absolute intellectual bankruptcy of communists-- They blame the sellers, the "capitalists" for all the things that are supposedly wrong in the world, until it comes to sex, when the sellers are innocent angels
"Oh but it takes a man to exploit them" Have you ever actually met a woman? They know exactly what weapons they have and exactly how to get what they want out of a man. It is not a joke that we refer to gynoid fat deposits as assets
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