Thinking about the time in college when a girl paid me $50 to write an essay for her and I brought my campus laptop to a frat party and let everyone there write a different paragraph of the paper after playing Edward 40 hands. She got a 12%
The worst part is that I remember reading over it multiple times that night before turning it in and thinking “ya this is good. this college shit easy”
I’d also like to give a PSA (for those saying I’m an asshole) that sometimes this is what you get when you wait until 4 hours before the due date to start a 7 page minimum essay & then ask an 18 year old freshman (me) to do it for you bc otherwise it’s not getting done 🤷🏼‍♀️
I wasn’t even in the damn glass and hardly knew the girl, she just lived in the same dorm 😭
Class* 🙂
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