GET PREMIER DAN ANDREWS LYNCH MOB is fixated on breakout at Rydges & Stamford hotels. Background: Were 15 quarantine hotels, three contractors. AFR believes MSS (Stanford) & Unified (Ridges), Wilson's not involved in these two. MSS (previously Chubb, Wormalds, now SIS) #auspol
& is extensively used by Federal Govt at ADF installations, embassies, Immigration Detention Centres, etc. Recently awarded an $A80 million defence contract. The contract with Victorian Govt was clear in setting out their responsibilities for providing competent staff &
what they must do.
What Happened: The three security contractors experienced no problems at 13 of the 15 quarantine hotels. Rydges & Stamford hotels were the source of transmissions of Covid-19 to the outside community. Premier Andrews has set up a Judicial Enquiry into this
Contractors MSS & Unified outsourced to subcontractors whose staff breached the Vic Govt's contract. They were the source of an outbreak. It didn't happen at the 13 other quarantine hotels but it did at these 2 because of the irresponsible action of staff of subcontractor's.
The Lynch Mob: Consists of partisan politicians & Murdoch's toadies who write various of his rags, particularly the Australian. A newspaper that is so obsessed with "getting Dan"& hence against the nation interest it should be a crime to read it. The ceaseless "Get Dan" campaign
casts him as villain, encouraging significant minority to ignore him & the vital message he carries. This is appalling media behaviour. The rabid Lynch Mob reckon Dan should have been prowling halls of 15 hotels. Judicial Enquiry will find what happened not the Lynch Mob. #auspol
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