The thing about Star Trek is that the utopia isn't a gag. There's no "gotcha! They're eating people!" or some other Aldous Huxley reveal about how utopia comes at great cost.

Star Trek argues that a better world IS possible. Ppl need to understand that before getting involved.
The conflict in Star Trek comes from people outside of the utopia, who for some reason -- usually greed -- don't want to participate. The Federation doesn't force folks to participate & it doesn't colonize. It offers up its science/tech freely & has weapons only for defense.
The best ships in Star Trek aren't battle vessels, they're for scientific exploration. The captain of the most elite ship in Starfleet isn't ex-navy or a distinguished pilot or combat veteran. He's an archeologist. His vices are a hot lady archeologist named Vash & good tea.
Star Trek doesn't shy away from testing Federation's ethical code. But it wrestled w it's ideals in good faith & was honest abt it's flaws:

The Voyager crew absorbed the Maquis. Some of the best eps were debates about Data's rights as an artificial being
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