Local and fed law "enforcement" forces all across the U.S. are carrying out armed counter-protest *against* civil and human rights and multi-racial democracy in the service of white supremacy and an American caste system. Many are also collaborating w/ armed far-right vigilantes.
A century ago, these conflicts unfolded on the streets of cities in WA, MT and CA, where police beat and jailed leftist protesters by the hundreds for the crime of publicly exercising their 1A rights.

Free Speech Fights Have Historically Targeted the Left https://www.teenvogue.com/story/free-speech-fights-target-progressives
The New York police union tweeted this out a couple of days ago.

Police encouraging far right terrorism.

"An essential step in the fascist march to acceptance and power was to persuade law-and-order conservatives and members of the middle class to tolerate fascist violence as a harsh necessity in the face of Left provocation."

— Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism
You keep giving white supremacy a pass when you judge who can be trusted to have power over others (in your workplaces, in your gov agencies and other institutions) and then you blame foreign actors when you wind up with a white power fascist in the highest office. #ThisIsAmerica
And today the head of the NYC P*lice Union tweeted this out. ⤵️
"Soon it won’t only be black Americans who can’t breathe, but by then the white Americans turning a blind eye and deaf ear to what is happening may have found that they, too, are in a chokehold,and there is no one with enough breath left to speak for them" https://www.newstatesman.com/international/places/2020/09/return-american-fascism
Too many American moderates have ignored(still do) the advice of experts in far right authoritarianism and those of us who have *lived* under far right authoritarianism; and instead do — and ENCOURAGE others to do — the EXACT things that allow far right authoritarianism to build.
You can follow @wydmindfeersart.
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