What is #LoveIsNotTourism and what do we want? (a thread)

We're asking for compassionate exemptions to travel restrictions for committed, long-term unmarried couples, like married couples already have in most developed countries. We don't want to open the border to tourism.
"But that's dangerous."

No, it's not. We have an extremely rigorous policy proposal drafted by a doctor and an epidemiologist that's based on safe, successful models already implemented in Europe. It includes... ⬇️
1. A legally binding affidavit signed by the Canadian partner taking legal and financial responsibility for the foreign national to quarantine and follow health measures. Only a committed partner would sign that, and no committed partner would put the other at that sort of risk.
2. Proof of insurance that explicitly covers COVID-19. That way, in the extremely low chance the foreign national becomes infected during their stay and requires hospitalization, the Canadian taxpayer will NOT pay for it.
3. Mandatory rapid testing at the airport, to be paid for by the foreign national or their Canadian partner. If they test positive, they voluntarily withdraw their application to enter Canada. If they test negative, they enter the country and immediately quarantine.
Several European countries, such as Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands, have been allowing exemptions for unmarried couples for several weeks and have not seen any adverse effects related to them. Health professionals have recognized our request as "posing minimal risk."
Canada's Dr. Tam has stated very few cases come from travellers and the government has not received any reported cases of transmission in planes. Coupled with our rigorous plan, family/couple reunification is phenomenally low-risk.
In 21st-century Canada, there is no difference between married couples and committed unmarried couples. Married couples have been able to reunite since early June with much less strict measures than what we're proposing, and the govt has said there have been no adverse effects.
The mental health ramifications of a prolonged, forced, indefinite separation from your life partner are immense. Most of us are suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, hopelessness, and more. Even after reunification, we'll still have trauma. https://twitter.com/bopinion/status/1291097873308889090
If you're not in this situation, it's difficult to understand. It's worse than even I thought it would be. Please try to have compassion. The uncertainty and loss of control to the government over such an intimate part of our lives are brutal.
We want:
✅equality with married couples

We don't want:
🚫open borders

We will:
✅sign legally binding affidavit
✅do strict testing
✅follow health guidelines

We won't:
🚫violate health guidelines
🚫give up on our serious relationships

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