I’m old enough to remember how a lot of kids didn’t get an official diagnosis of autism as kids b/c doctors were shielding is from being ineligible for insurance as adults due to pre-existing conditions.
There’s several generations of adults now whose doctors knew they weren’t neurotypical but did the decent thing & protected their access to insurance by withholding diagnosis. And now we’re saying self-diagnosis is bad b/c we could just get diagnosed as kids? Jfc.
It must be nice to be so privileged that your parents didn’t fear what would happen to their mentally ill kids if a diagnosis was ever put on paper. Really nice. Can’t even imagine how nice.
The only way to protect you’re neuroatypical kid in the US was to never get an official diagnosis, & that only stopped being true under Obama.
Maybe before mouthing off about how self-diagnosis is bad, y’all should learn a bit about entire underground networks that existed to help us w/o diagnosing b/c that is literally a thing that happened A LOT.
FFS I had a doctor that knew I was autistic, ADHD, & w/ depression. His reason for prescribing me a medication? Weight loss. It was the only way to make sure I didn’t have a pre-existing condition on my record.
Self-diagnosis is ALL WE HAD. If you had access to better? Get off your fucking high horse.
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