A dark coming of age story for traumatized adults filled with magic that will make your skin crawl, witch hunters with sinister agendas, & a daughter that will stop at nothing until her mother is dead.

For those who don't know, the purpose of this particular revisions is to prepare this project to be submitted for Pitch Wars 2020! As such I have roughly two months to whip this thing into shape and so I'm both excited, and nervous.
80% done with the read through so I’m going to bed 🛏
Woke up randomly and finished the read through. Now I meditate on my thoughts for the next couple of days.
IT'S HAPPENING (changed pic bc I'll not have people stealing things thanks)
10% of the way done with this read-through... yikes lol.
Okay I talked my way through the beat sheet (like literally, talked out loud to nobody at all) and I think I got myself in a good position to have this whole book structured tomorrow morning.
Outlining, re-outlining, changing the total word count. This is fun.
The good news is this read through is going well, did five chapters out of 22 so I'm taking a break to eat a chocolate muffin.
Sharing this because there is no way it will survive revisions for reasons, but... god I'm funny. #amwriting
12/22 chapters read so far today
The condensed version of my revision notes is a little over a page, and this feels like something that I can actually work with.
My book is GRIM ya'll
ACT 1 is completely sorted, ACT 3 is sorted but I haven't actually written it out yet, and ACT 2 is going to be the most complicated part but I think I have the tools to make it work-- I just need more time, more thought, and possibly more words/pages to fit everything
Good news!!! Outline is currently 10 pages, it feels very solid, I haven’t filled out ANY of act 2 yet so it’s sure to grow.
After a lot of angst, dms filled with frustration, and hours of video games played the beat sheet is done.

I only had to completely rewrite it in the last hour.

Only had to re-plot the entire finale in order to fix the second act.

Whatever, at least it's stronger now.
I've been VERY bad about putting my updates in this thread but anyway I have been deleting notes as I complete them and it feels good
I also accidentally deleted the 'delete scenes' tab but please know I deleted many scenes and culled an entire arc
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