I lost another young man yesterday, someone I coached & worked with for 5 years & now he’s gone. I’m fed up of this. I really am. We have allowed our youth to become products of the environment we all created as adults and they’re dying senselessly on our streets. This is...
All being fuelled by the middle and upper class appetites for Class A drugs, a lack of opportunities for youth, a decade of austerity, parents not taking responsibility for their children before it’s too late, a culture of fast life and money, a code of foolish silence...
Misguided young people trying to get a piece of capitalistic pie, a poor and defunded education system that marginalises and demonises our young people instead of teaching them informally and speaking to their souls instead of pushing for GCSE’s that many will never use...
A U.K. media that thrives of the plight of the underclass and the deaths of young black men who are disproportionately blamed for all crime and criminalised on a daily basis by Police, a social work service that’s not for for purpose and is also complicit...
How is a 17 year old young man murdered in broad daylight? By another young person who doesn’t think about the ramifications or repercussions of their actions. Why do we celebrate a culture that’s killing our youth? Why do we continue to allow a corrupt government to exploit us?
I have so many questions but I don’t have all the answers. Collectively we aren’t doing enough, collectively we are allowing ourselves to be taken for a deadly ride into the unknown. We must stand up and take note. If you can give time to a young person please do...
If you can stand up for what is morally right and speak out... please do. We cannot stand aside and be idle, we must keep the momentum going for the betterment of our futures... we must make a change and take stand in unison...
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