~ thread of everything against westend talks/graeme right now just to make everything clear ~
firstly i’d like to state this was how my bio looked at the time this all went down with my age listed twice in both my description and location just incase a “he didn’t know ur age” argument ever appears
on monday i tweeted a tweet with the caption “pictures i want to recreate with someone’s son” accompanied but a series of mlm relationship photos. quite quickly graeme replied saying he had dm’d me. the first dm asking me on a date and the second after i hadnt replied.
i sent both the tweet and the dm request ss into a group chat of my friends to say it had made me uncomfortable and my friend raya then went and replied to graemes comment on my tweet. he then told her to mind her own business stating he was 24 thus making it somehow ok?
nothing then seemed to happen until thursday when i got a dm from a friend which included a ss of graemes facebook where his bio states he’s actually 29 and had lied about being 24 in an attempt to get close to me as he thought 16 and 24 was an appropriate age gap?
i think something that’s been overlooked here is he actively lied about his age in an attempt to get close to me. a 29 actively lowered their age to try get into the dms of a 16 yr old boy and take them on a date.
this then led to me and raya both sending tweets about the situation (shown below) and people replying and quoting with their own stories of inappropriate behaviour from graeme (one shown below)
these tweets did gain some attention but nothing major and while a few call out posts came from fans and performers nothing really proceeded. until friday morning when graeme tweeted the following from the @/endtalks account about how he’d contacted the police.
i’d also like the insert that westend talks is run by two people graeme and a 15 yr old boy. from what i’ve heard the boy wasn’t on twitter and didn’t tweet the end talks tweet meaning the “we” referred to in the tweet is just graeme referring to himself in 3rd person
from there things blew up a bit more and the tweet from @/endtalks currently has around 100 rt’s mainly people commenting how wrong it is. friday and saturday also led to other boys coming forward with threads and posts which i will link below.
. https://twitter.com/JackDuffield2/status/1291808868100644864
. https://twitter.com/denningtonjoe/status/1292028557510742017
. https://twitter.com/tayl0r_jay/status/1292036841256947712
this is a screenshot sent to me a few days ago by @haddow_grant who has allowed me to use it in the thread!
i think most of these show a pattern of behaviour especially as its consistently 16 year old boys, and while 16 is the age of consent in the uk these boys are still minors and the principle of a 12/13 year age gap is not right and i think he knows what he’s doing.
i am 16, graeme is 29. he is nearly double my age. he is consistently messaging 16 year old boys using words like “special” “cute” and saying things like “do u fancy me” “will u meet me”. and i think anyone can see this is wrong and a pattern of behaviour that needs to stop.
another thing i’d like to address is some tweets i saw branding me and others as “potential liars” and saying how “there’s two sides to every narrative” as if this didn’t happen on timeline. graeme tweeted a 16 yr old publicly for all to see that he’d dm’d them and then
lied publicly on timeline about his age. he made this public. he was so confident that he wouldn’t get called out that he lied on timeline about his age whilst having his real age in his facebook bio. i’d love to hear a second narrative anyone thinks exists in this situation.
i hope this thread has provided clarification for people who didn’t know and shown to the adults who came onto timeline to cast doubt, ignore it all or make snide comments about how some of us reacted on timeline, that it isn’t ok to stand by this behaviour.
i’d like to thank everyone who has supported any of the boys these past few days. thank u to the fellow fans who helped spread the word and to any performer who used their platform to help. it genuinely has meant to world to see the love and support to everyone ❤️
also if any of you are ever made to feel uncomfortable on this app by someone that is not ok! my dms are always open if you need to talk and you do not have to sit there and be silent. our community is a place everyone should feel safe and i’m always here if you need help ❤️
You can follow @ollyflynn_.
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