Being a fat man has its downs, and I'm in no way going to compare my struggles to fat women, cause it's two entirely different ballparks with entirely different rules, both suck ass, but here's some stuff I deal with being overweight just for anyone that see:
1. Fat sidekick syndrome aka the "Jonah Hill: effect as i like to call it.
You think I like being crass or abrasive and absurd? Not really, but it's hard to hold people's attentions or feel valued otherwise. I have to be funny to fit in.
1.5. This extends to dating as well, I've always been told by girls i see that my biggest selling point was that i was funny. Aint that a bitch tho? like it's not the rest of my personality or my looks? lmao.
2. Dating's a nightmare. The truth is, a lot more people are fat phobic than they wanna admit, I STILL sometimes catch myself being fat phobic. But people don't wanna get blasted on twitter so it's always beating around the bush with "idk you're not my type"
2.5. Perfect example, i went into this girls dms on insta, she was thirst posting about what she looks for in a man, I met every criteria (i wasnt getting my hopes up just decided to say something) she tells me: "I only like skinny guys.."
thats cool w/me cause at least shehonest
3. This falls under the larger umbrella of not feeling like a valid sexual being because of appearance. I'm a sex person, i like sex, i've gotten pretty decent at it, I'm an attentive lover, I make sure both our needs are met. But I don't feel sexy, never have.
3.5. And it feels weird to complain about because there's been so many pushes to validate bigger women as sexually valid and appealing beings, but it does feel often like that same energy isn't brought to big lads like myself or my friends etc.
4. Representation in media.
I can name 1 video game character that isnt an offensive stereotype that i could easily cosplay lmao and he isnt even really fat lol. and dont get me started on film and shows lol
5. At the end of the day really, Bigger men face far less problems than bigger women, I hope i didn't imply that they did. But it doesnt mean i'm not always effected by my size and the way the world sees me.
And that's part of what makes being fat so hard.
5.5. When women treat you like a mishappen ghoul, and your friends only pay attention when you're loud and tryin to be funny, when clothes dont fit well so you have to dress like shit, it makes it hard NOT to become fat phobic yourself.
I hate being fat
5.8. final chapter prologue.
I'm gonna keep trying to get into shape.
I'm gonna keep trying to change my lifestyle to be healthier and happier.
But it's a tough climb, and from what I've heard from friends who lost the weight, the journey doesn't end at the top.
Sorry for flooding the feed with my bullshit, I'm just struggling man. It's hard being stuck inside a body that you feel doesnt represent you. One that limits you physically, sexually, socially. im just tired of it always
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