saw this in the TL yesterday for some reason

disclaimer: not familiar w the mythology beyond the wikipediabharata so this is my reaction in my current mental state to my perception of visa's thread informed by western upbringing. also, five drinks & counting; should be fun!

also, per the wikipediabharata, krishna sounds based af. i totally get behind love, dance, meditation, pranks, and play and i need to read more on the deities and legends. i hope my take is better than my friend's ('isn't krishna like religious dr. manhattan?').

visa's description reminds me of an idealized love, and i mean that in a somewhat negative way (related to my displeasure at the disney industrial complex). but i do like how he acknowledges physicality as a component part. i just don't think they can be separate.

this conception of love and desire doesn't always leave room for desire's darker side. what of unrequited desire? what if, perish the thought, objectification is in fact sexy? what about gender, presentation, and orientation? what if you are horny and they aren't? sadism?

tenderly holding each other is nice, but that's a very static image, similar energy to 'happily ever after.' imo, love & desire are violent & chaotic and constantly in flux & obscenely biological. aphrodite is banging the divine essence of the maker & the essence of war.

consider bronze age war vs drone war to emphasize the point.

i'm thinking preemptive make up sex while you are still fighting, hate fucks, shame fucks, times when you aren't certain it's a good idea but must risk it anyway, deep explorations of subspace and the loss of self-awareness, blood on the sheets and not just from period sex.

this is not to say that none of the above are incompatible with romance (high class) or cutesiness (low class), but emphasizing one as idealized perfect love or even placing the platonic over the physical seems to deny rich realms of human experience.

i fully acknowledge that there are pieces missing from me. i actually hate saying 'i love you'. part of it is resentment of social expectation. part is also that i overused the phrase when young and dumb so that doing so now seems to cheapen relationships.

(this may have contributed to a recent break up)

oops getting off topic there, but i can't let the scotch bonnet pepper-infused tequila go to waste. getting further off topic, here is food porn from today's brunch event's dessert.

i'm very happy that visa & his wife enjoy a strong connection that they see reflected in a cultural narrative of divine love (i'm sure there's something deep about interpreting one's individual experience through shared narrative. i'll leave it as exercise to the reader)

actually, i like this a lot. it seems like he's taking a what was originally earthly love meant as a more visceral and approachable lesson about one's interaction with the divine and flipping it to a conception of the divine reflected in actual human love.

apologies for reversing the thrust of this thread there in part 13. consider that i am pro-reversal (reverse advice as necessary, reverse causal arrows as necessary, reverse cowgirl as necessary).

still, visa boosting this narrative may have the effect of increasing the prevalence of the platonic idealized love memetic contagion.

then again, knowledge of one's inability to meet this unattainable ideal likely fuels the frustrations that lead to depravity and kink in many. upon further reflection, carry on good sir!

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