Literally every South Asian & Middle Eastern man dates this exact girl most their life
Do not ask me to explain. I have a sort of Dev-esque brother & every girlfriend is this white girl
an inoffensive slightly bookish non-threatening slender pretty white girl is their thing
(cannot be TOO smart or TOO sexy or TOO anything tbh)
these straight boys have the hottest smartest coolest women on earth among their own but they can’t handle us lmao
get them a nice girl in Everlane & Madewell, who is crazy about Taylor Swift and kittens and crepes, and says The Great Gatsby is her favorite book
(I have a lot to say on this matter!)
i appreciate my Black & Latinx brothers for rarely pulling this shit! East Asian guys, you kinda do this too but thankfully less than the South Asian & Middle Eastern guys
I love chatting up these girls at parties. “Oh hey Ali, I was just hearing about your girlfriend’s mom’s summer house!” I smile psychotically in my extremely tight low cut dress & flee, only after i casually drop that i am writing my 5th book & teaching myself 4th century Greek
you all want to be so skinny for this? could. not. be. me.
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