high school question thread

quote don’t reply 🤍
How many years do you have left if any?
What’s been your favorite year?
What’s been your least favorite year?
Do you like your school?
What’s your favorite subject?
Least favorite subject?
Have you ever skipped class?
Do you take AP Classes? Which ones?
What’s the lowest you’ve gotten on a test/quiz?
What was your high schools scandal?
What’s the funniest thing to happen at your school?
What’s something you thought you were going to have to do in high school but didn’t?
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve studied for a test/quiz?
What’s one teacher you hated the most and why?
Have you ever been to a real high school party?
Do you think you’ll keep in contact with your friends?
If you’ve taken an AP Test..What was your score? 🧐
What’s the most amount of absesnses you’ve had in a semester if you remember? Mine was 80 😄
Did you participate in clubs? Which ones?
Have you ever been suspended?
What were you known for in High School?
Lowest overall grade you’ve ever gotten in a class?
What was the weirdest rule your school had?
Worst meal your school cafeteria tried to give you?
Have you ever been asked to prom/hoco or any dance? Don’t worry if not cuz same 🤔
follow if you enjoyed might add more later 🤍
What was a cute moment with your friends you remember in high school?
What’s one piece of advice you would give yourself as a freshman?
How many laps were you able to do in the pacer test?
If you ever had to do the mile, what was your average time? I walked most of itsjdndndn
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