when i was younger i remember being so inspired by warrior women like Eowyn, Lagertha, Mulan, Black Widow, and Wonder Woman. i wanted nothing more than to be like them. i wanted to fight something, i felt such a stong connection to the warrior spirit. (continued in thread)
for a while, i even considered joining the military (this was before i knew ANYTHING about politics and the US government--I am unbelievably glad I grew out of that) just because I felt I needed to fulfill this inner warrior i had within me.
but everything happening in 2020 really changed the way i see the world and the government. and you know what? THIS is my fight. This is OUR fight. a warrior isn't someone who kills innocent Iraqi children bc the government told them to. they're the person who fights for justice.
every single one of you fighting the system, fighting any and all forms of oppression, fighting systemic racism, homophobia, classism, capitalism, and patriarchy is a WARRIOR. you are all so brave. this is our fight.
seeing protesters form a literal SHIELD WALL from the cops is just so inspiring. we are actual shieldmaidens.
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