A PSA about Cherry Bullet’s Aloha Oe and Hawaiian cultural appropriation in general:
First of all I would just like to say that I usually love Cherry Bullet’s music and I don’t really have anything against the girls since they did not write, compose, or choreograph this song. Second, although I feel awkward saying this, I am native Hawaiian...
and speak Hawaiian although I have forgotten a lot, having not spoken it for many years.
Let’s start with a quick history lesson (I’ll try to make it as short as possible).
Once upon a time, Hawaiʻi was its own kingdom with chiefs and chiefesses known as aliʻi. Each island had its own chiefs of different rankings but the islands were finally united in 1810 by
King Kamehameha I. Under the Hawaiian monarchy, Hawaiʻi flourished and made many connections around the world, becoming friends with a multitude of monarchs. Fun Fact: The ʻIolani Palace even had electricity before the White House.
Then in 1898, Hawaiʻi was illegally annexed by the U.S. The Big Five (a group of companies) plotted to overthrow Queen Liliʻuokalani without presidential approval. They took the thrown by force and Queen Liliʻuokalani was placed in house arrest.
Queen Liliʻuokalani composed Aloha ʻOe, a song which became a “farewell song” for her people. Hawaiians were dying by the thousands mostly due to diseases foreigners brought from abroad. The population was decreasing rapidly and
Queen Liliʻuokalani knew that if her people fought back against the overthrow, they would be slaughtered and there would even be less Hawaiians left. So, in order to save her people, she sacrificed the kingdom to the Americans.
This song is often symbolized as a mourning song for the loss of the Hawaiian Kingdom and it’s Queen. Cherry Bullet’s song is not only a jab at the Hawaiian people but their kingdom and everything they have lost.
In their choreography they have a “crown” like move in their chorus as well as some moves that seem to be “hula”. Also, in some promotions, they have been dressed in “Aloha tourist attire”. If this is not cultural appropriation idek what is.
Everyone in the kpop fandom seems so quick to call out cultural appropriation of all other cultures such as the recent scandal with Ateez’s Hongjoon, yet many don’t seem to care about Hawaiian cultural appropriation.
I’m not sure if it’s just because Cherry Bullet is not a huge group compared to some in the industry or if it’s just because Hawaiian cultural appropriation is so common in the media where everyone just mocks hula and wears stupid fake flower leis. But how is our situation
any different from yours! We have been advertised, oppressed, and mocked for decades because we are just a “theme” or a freaking type of pizza. (btw if you like pineapple on pizza, you’re disowned because ew).
There were so many more options for summer themes for this comeback but I’m not sure why the person who wrote this thought it was appropriate to use Aloha ʻOe because I would assume they knew at least part of its background, given the fact they used the original song’s...
chorus fir parts of the instrumental. Therefore, this may just further prove my point that Hawaiian cultural is just disregarded and commercialized in the media if everyone thought this comeback was a great idea.
I do realize that there has been instances where this song has been used in other tv shows or movies but does that really make this one acceptable? Plus, Train to Busan’s use of the song seems a little more appropriate since the little girl is mourning.
I know this won’t get any attention because I have like no following lol and this thread is pretty long. But, if at least one person sees this and understands, I would be happy because I just needed to get this off my chest.
Honestly there’s much better threads with much more informative links and posts so pls go check them out too. This is just a short snippet to hopefully help y’all familiarize yourself with just the tip of the iceberg in the history of Hawaiʻi and it’s people.
Here’s a thread created that has a bunch of threads of good stuff so check it out 🥰 https://twitter.com/hwisjoy/status/1291064452041728000?s=21 https://twitter.com/HWISJOY/status/1291064452041728000
Let’s just try to clear up the air because some people are so quick to jump to conclusions and judge people
I am not anti black nor did I intend to say anything in that matter. I simply compared MEDIA attention of one situation to another. Y’all are the ones that tried to twist it into me being against any black movement or black CA.
My point was to show that if so many people can get behind a call out of CA by liking, retweeting, and commenting. Why can’t it be the same for others? This is NOT A COMPETITION. I can see how my words were misinterpreted but y couldn’t everyone just ask instead of getting mad?
It’s not one person against another it’s about EVERYONE supporting EVERYONE, and if you can’t see that, I seriously don’t know what to do. Some see our situation as us putting down other cultures instead of a cry for help and I’m sorry if that has discredited our fight.
I seriously don't understand why people are being so selfish and protective. Like yes, we understand that you fought through this, why can't you help others do the same. Although you may not have heard or seen our help because we are so small , Hawaiians have supported you!
If you fall but pick yourself back up and then see another person to fall, why would you just walk away and laugh and mock them when they reach out a hand (a hand to anyone not just you).
We are a peaceful group of islands who are known for accepting everyone with aloha and kindness, yet you shun us when we say why can't we be like you guys. Why can't we fight for freedom just like you? Why can't we ask for help from those who have achieved some of their dreams?
Why can't we ask for help period? Why does this have to be a competition of who got hurt the most and then who deserves to be helped the most? Is there not enough kindness in your heart to support everyone?
I am not asking a specific race for help, if I were to ask anyone, it would be the entire kpop community because they have a lot of influence in the media and know how to get stuff out there and done. Help can be a retweet, comment, or like.
I don't want someone to be a "microphone" or "spokesperson" unless they come from my background. You guys can be speakers that carry the information and spread it, but please don't get me wrong
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