So I was thinking about doing a big thread talking and promoting some indie games. Mi idea is posting 1 per day with the #AdoptAnIndie.

If you are a Game Dev and you are interested that your game appears on the thread, feel free to send me a DM ^^
#AdopAnIndie Day 1, One Step from Eden from @OneStepFromEden and @humble

OSfE is a deckbuilding roguelike with relentless real-time grid combat that will make you remember about the Mega Man: Battle Network series.

Is available on PC, Switch and PS4.
#AdoptAnIndie Day 2, Tuiterland Trilogy from @SkulleD42 .

Three free RPG maker games that represents with humor all the Spanish social media influencer's and meme's culture. It's only in Spanish, but it's 100% worth it give them a try ^^

They're available on PC
You can follow @gladarkiskas.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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