Pierre Hillard 2013

Our article devoted to the modifications of the ordination rite of 1968 ("Pontificalis Romani") showed, from official texts which should give cause for reflection, the probable extinction of the apostolic succession.
Nature abhors a vacuum, it must be replaced by another form of spirituality called Noachism or universal religion (Noah's law) going hand in hand with a universal policy.

Stemming directly from Talmudic Judaism, Noachism applies only to Gentiles (non-Jews).
This universal religion is subdivided into seven commandments: the first prescribes the obligation to have magistrates (to enforce the laws)
While the other laws prohibit: 2) sacrilege; 3) polytheism; 4) incest; 5) homicide and 6) use of a limb of a living animal. 
While the Gentiles are framed by this religion, the Jewish people ruled by Mosaicism (the law of Moses) are considered the priest people. This Israelite priesthood, constituting the heart of humanity, is the intermediary between the Gentiles and the one God (monotheism).
In this thought, Catholicism is considered polytheism because of the concept of the Holy Trinity (idolatry or tritheism according to the Talmudic rabbis).
In order to match the pattern of Noachism, the Catholic religion must undertake a complete overhaul rejecting the Holy Trinity and the divinity of Christ.
This change should lead to "the Catholicism of Israel" in the words of Rabbi Elie Benamozegh's book ("Israel and Mankind"), a work listing Talmudic thought.
As the author logically puts it: “Who rejects idolatry is a true Jew. Anyone who rejects polytheism confesses the whole law
As an extension of this ideal, Talmudic Judaism reconstructs the unity of the human family in order to lead it to a new Garden of Eden - perfection being at the end - awaiting the arrival of the Messiah.
Logically, Rabbi Benamozegh clarifies: “Hence this beautiful theory of Kabbalah which makes the union and the harmony of spirits here below the means of achieving the descent and establishment of the divinity on earth. "
This hope of purely earthly happiness based on the idea of "Progress", which we find in various forms in Marxism and liberalism, is in complete contradiction with Catholicism.
The Trinitarian religion, seeing the passage on earth as a series of trials and as a springboard, has a heavenly hope.

These two universalisms are incompatible. This has not prevented the authorities of the Church, since Vatican II...
... to affirm in a work "The Jewish people and their holy scriptures in the Christian Bible", that "The Jewish messianic expectation is not in vain" (chapter II, A5).
From a Catholic point of view, this claim is heresy because Christ is the Messiah, passed 2000 years ago.
It looks like things are picking up speed. Indeed, on September 23, 2012, all Jewish communities around the world called, with a short prayer, for the arrival of the Messiah (Mashia’h).
For Catholics, this is equivalent to calling the Antichrist. Considering the decline of the Church since Vatican II, this prayer is like a call for a profound change. It is true that globalism is a hurried messianism.
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