My wife and kids just arrived in Japan today. They are moving there for the school year, I'm staying in #Vegas (long story, might tell later.)

This will be a twitter thread of some of their experiences there.
They took a direct flight from LAX to Haneda Airport in Tokyo, and the plane was empty. There was no people in the entire back section, maybe 20 people total on the flight. This is a Boeing 772, fits 375 seats.
First, you have to have a Japanese passport or travel visa to enter Japan; no foreign passports allowed.

When you arrive in Japan, you get a COVID test at the airport. It's a ~3hr turn around saliva test, and you cannot leave until you get the results.
If you're negative, you go to a self-quarantine hotel & those hotels offer special rates for the 14 days (cheaper). If you come up positive, you go to a COVID-positive hotel and have to be negative 4 days in a row to leave.

See pic of car service between the airport and hotel.
I'll add more as their experience continues.
The quarantine hotel they are staying in is a one-person-elevator. They out getting the amazing food already.
I used #Crypto to fund everything. It was by FAR the cheapest option to send money to Japan the fastest, not even close. We had an account set up in Japan to pay for their lives there. (Obv the bull-run the last few months was perfect timing.)
They have already found an apartment and will be moving in post the Quarantine Hotel.
They'll need a refrigerator, and my wife needs a bike. Both local places offer a 10% discount using #Bitcoin .

I didn't anticipate this, but I'm excited now. #BTC #XBT
Both of my kids are going to ESL schools, in Tokyo, and we received this email from the school today in preparation to open during the #CoronavirusPandemic
By using #Crypto, every time I send my wife money, she makes money.

Which had to make me the greatest husband of all time.
One of the positives of Japan was the freedom my kids will have.

Walk to the store in a city of 10 million people as younger adolescents? No problem.

We obviously cannot allow kids to do that here in Las Vegas.
They’re in quarantine hotel for another week. My wife & I are busy setting up school things. My kids are going to English supported schools.

Since everything happened in such a hurry, I’m busy putting together a box to ship to them.

More updates when they enter next phase.
My wife has been walking by this hotel in her district and thinking it was under construction.
It's not.

It's a COVID-positive test hotel, a quarantined hotel.
Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ll add more shortly.

They are out of quarantine hotel, moved into an apartment on Sunday, and my daughter started school today! (Yes, in person.)
Time for some Japanese culture.

Often, if not always, most cafes and restaurants (non-formal) will have displays of their menus in "fake food" outside the storefront. The detail is amazing. You get to see exactly what you can order, and they'll make it fresh.

Some photos:
And here is my kid's breakfast.

Yes, those are little fish and they LOVE it.
My daughter has been in school for a full week now. She loves it.

While it's hard for me to be so far apart, I'm focused on the goal. My daughter had a really rough year entering middle school last year, pre-pandemic!

She's happy now. That's what counts.

This was the goal.
My son starts school later this week to get him mentally prepared, my wife has taken him school shopping.

In Japan, kids have the same backpacks when they are in elementary. They're leather-ish bound & sturdy design.

See my son trying them on & one he picked (neon, of course.)
I haven’t updated this thread in a while. It’s been hard on me honestly and updating is a reflection. I’ll gather strength to do so soon.

In the meantime, here is a picture of my son’s lunch today:
You can follow @JoeTall.
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