2. "Here, the Court has little difficulty concluding that Hughes's dual goals in bringing her baseless suit were to inflict financial harm on Benjamin and to raise her own profile in the process."

Important to note that Hughes’ tweets were used as evidence to support this.
3. It’s difficult for me to imagine that Hughes’ attorney did not warn her about this. If you’re in the middle of litigation you should not be all over social media posting things that undermine your claims.
4. Full decision is only 14 pages. I don’t have time to read it now but will try to do that in the next few days.

Eugene Volokh’s summary is worth your time if you have any interest in copyright law and YouTube/Twitter legal slapfights.
5. This thread was supposed to reply to tweet #1 but I failed to do that. https://twitter.com/keikoinboston/status/1292159033881886726
6. Clarification:

Tweet #1 should have said “attorneys’ fees & costs” but I think people understand what I meant so I’m not going to delete it.
8. Sargon’s commentary on winning attorneys’ fees in Hughes v. Benjamin. No victory lap. He notes that his lawyer has told him that Akilah has 30 days to appeal, although he doesn’t believe she will. Doesn’t expect to see the $39K.
10. Here’s the less than 2 minute video that started 3 years of legal wrangling.
11. Some lessons that I thought would have been obvious:

- Don’t trash talk your opponent on social media and talk about your motives for filing a lawsuit while the lawsuit is still in process. If your lawyer advises you to say, nothing, say nothing.

- Don’t go after the judge you have a case before.*

* (See Hughes’ thread after she lost. https://archive.vn/6K82t 
Also, please leave her alone.)
13. I don’t know how no one has made a video about this titled “It’s all about the Benjamins”. 🤣
14. Update:

YouTuber Akilah Hughes lauched a GoFundMe campaign 3 days ago to raise the funds to pay what she owes after losing Hughes v. Benjamin. She has already surpassed her goal of $38,912.

Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20201014005407/https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-akilah-pay-an-alleged-white-supremacist
15. Since the archives don’t capture the full text of her campaign story, here are screenshots in order.

I’m too tired to do any commentary but would just recommend that people read the excerpt of the opinion in tweet #13.
16. More screenshots of Hughes’ GoFundMe campaign story.
17. Top of thread is here. Really, just read the whole decision. https://twitter.com/keikoinboston/status/1292159033881886726
18. Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) posted this video titled “On Allegations of White Supremacy”
in which he talks about being a descendant of slaves, mixed race, and shares a photo of his non-white father.
19. Sargon doesn’t mention Hughes, but given the timing it seems likely this is his response to her claim that "an ~aLlEgEd~ white supremacist”.
20. More on what Sargon has said about his ancestry in this thread. https://twitter.com/keikoinboston/status/1076992013399179265
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