On May 12, 2005, Basim Sabri was sentenced to 33 months in federal prison for trying to bribe a Minneapolis council member for his real estate dealings.

https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2005/05/09/daily48.html https://twitter.com/Ilhan/status/1170008273845723136
Basim donates a good bit of money to Ilhan, as well as his office manager.
Basim is the uncle of Omar Sabri. Mona Sabri is his neice. The two run Omar Investments Inc. in Minneapolis.
Omar Investments Inc. owns El Nuevo Rodeo, which is the very same nightclub that Derek Chauvin, Maya Santamaria, and George Floyd all worked together at.
This is a video I made about Maya Santamaria.
Maya approached Hamoudi Sabri about opening El Nuevo Rodeo back in 2003.
But he was giving testimonies about El Nuevo Rodeo all the way back in 2010 when Maya was being reviewed.
His additions are highlighted. In 2010 he had already worked there for four years.
I can't really prove anything with all this. But it is certainly interesting that the man who was arrested for fraud and accused of stoking racial tensions is also Ilhan Omar's 2nd highest donor and is also linked with Omar Investments that owns El Nuevo Rodeo etc etc.
Gonna keep digging. Just thought I'd share what I'd found so far. :)
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