It is 08/08. In Numerology, 8 is the number of balance and abundance. In Astrology, Saturn is the 8th and is the planet of authority, creation and time,etc. It’s a day of effortless fruition. You better be MANIFESTING TODAY!!!
MANIFEST?! What are ways that I can manifest today?

There are many ways that you can manifest but I will share about 3 non-complicated ways to do so!!!

1. Writing a Petition

2. Setting Intentions

3. Candle Magick/Intentions

4. 2 Cup Manifestation Method
1. How To Write A Petition:

(p.s it’s stronger when you combine it with a white candle that you let burn down)
2. How To Set Intentions:
3. Manifesting Using Candles:
4. The 2 Cup Manifestation Method:
If you are not comfortable using any of these methods you can also say a simple prayer expressing your desires while lighting a candle that you can blow out after.

🔊 ALL OF THESE METHODS WORK!!! Please follow the exact instructions in the video of whatever mode you choose and use your wisdom.

🔊DO NOT use any of these for malicious or evil intent or it will backfire quickly.
Happy manifesting and congratulations in advance 🍾🍾
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