Best excerpts from
~One Thousand ways to earn $1000~ [thread]

So your success in making your first $1,000 will depend upon your ability to
make or do something, of definite value to society, which people want more
than they want the money it will cost them.
When you read a book about business it is just as though
you were invited into the home of the author and sat down with him and
talked over your problems.
It is not necessary that you see the harbor at the
other end of your course before setting sail. If you sail straight, and keep
moving, you will get to your destination. But you won’t get there, or
anywhere, unless you start.
The best way of raising the money you need to start your business, and the
way which in the long run will prove most profitable to you, is to find
something that you can sell.

P: Not having a venture fund is a super power, not many can have, and a lot less can see it that way
No fire can burn,
no flood destroy, no thief can steal a salesman’s stock in trade which is, as
you know, the confidence and friendship of his customers.
The ability to close sales without a long, drawn-out series of “call backs” is
the greatest asset a salesman can have. Without this ability you are just a
solicitor, not a salesman.

P: My takeaway. If a prospect says smtng, think "can I do smtng about it" Yes? Do. Else Followup.
P: The rest of this book are stories of how American men/women earned their $1000.
Since the book was written in 1936, imagine the $1k to be like earning $30k, we can also add more $10-20k for today's power of internet.
P: Perhaps this one suits not to be read all at once, but as a curiosity and exploration of ideas once a while.

Even though old, stories are awesome. I'll be sharing those which most interest me in this thread over time.

Also, this is said to be Warren Buffett's first books.
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