Predictive Programming and Symbolism.

(1) Basically since the beginning of human history, and the birth of entertainment, [they] have shoved their symbolism, true intentions, and truth down our throats.

They have hidden in all in plain sight, and until ..
(2) recently most of society wss none the wiser. After all, it’s “just a movie”, or “just a show”, or “just a song”. It is “fiction”, surely there is no meaning behind it, nor could it be the truth. Right? Wrong.

It is called karma clearing. [They] have to do it.
(3) [They] have to tell you what they’re doing in order to gain permission, and power, from their deitys. They tell us through fiction, and hoped we would continue to believe it was all just fiction.

In this thread, I am going to attempt to help some newer folks understand..
(4) what predictive programming and karma clearing is. And how [they] have surrounded you with [their] imagery, symbolism and Satanic Occult rituals.

I will try to be concise, and not go too deep just yet. What I am going to share is merely the tip of the iceberg.
(5) Since CoVid is the hot topic, I am gonna start there. Let’s have a look at how [they] have been telling us for years that this was coming.

These were taken from the current season of “A Handmaid’s Tale”. A particularly fucked up show if you havent seen it.
(6) This season was recorded and edited during the fall of 2019.
(7) Now of course, I want to mention that in late 2019, Netflix also added Contagion to it’s collection, as well as a new Netflix Original named “Pandemic”.

CNN even showed us that it is all a show;
(8) Look at the 2012 Opening Ceremonies in London.

I mean come on, it doesnt get anymore obvious. Especially considering London is viewed as the financial center for “New Babylon”.
(9) This was taken from Captain America, made in 2011.

Im by no means telling you what to believe. But at what point does one say “yeah, thats not a coincidence”.

[They] have been softly programming you to accept CoVid since at least 2011.
(11) This is all along with numerous other newer movies and productions dealing with viruses, or the end of humanity.

This is not coincidence. [They] have been conditioning you/us to already accept whatever we are told.

It is mind control 101. And [they] are GOOD at it.
(12) Moving along, we are gonna focus on 9/11 for a few tweets now.

These are but a mere glimpse at all the predictive programming associated with 9/11.

You see how these things are made to seem like happenstance, as happy accidents?

They arent. This is [them]..
(13) telling you what theyre gonna do so they can obtain “permission”.

9/11 was even advertised as far back as Back To The Future 1&2.

Twin Pines > Lone Pine
Twin Towers > Lone Tower

In the 2nd movie while Marty’s father is hanging upside down, his shoes form a plane ..
(14) flying into the towers, and at the end of the scene the projector malfunctions causing the towers to “fall”.

Make no mistake, 9/11 took years of planning and karma clearing before it could be pulled off. The attacks in 1993 were a primer, and I believe may have even ..
(15) an act of weakening the structures. Anyways, back on track.

These are taken from a cartoon in I believe 2015/16.

Coincidence? I doubt it. Kobe was a High Satanic Priest. They knew they were gonna sacrifice, and harness his energy at some point.
(16) But predictions arent all [they] do within entertainment. No no. They also like to shove their Occult, and Pizza Eating Demon Orc symbolism down your throat. The following tweets will pivot towards that.
(17) The symbolism of Monsters Inc is pretty in your face. In it; the monsters literally scare children to harness their energy. (Adrenochrome anyone?). We have an all seeing eye, a one eyed monster (that scares children), and a pretty lewd drawing for a 5 year old.
(18) Did you know around the 1hr 14 min mark in every Pixar movie, there will appear a “Pizza Planet” truck?? And did you know the Mickey is Wicked (think mirror)

(For the noobs - “pizza” is code for children for the Pizza Eating Demon Orcs).
(19) Seriously. Disney loves putting this shit in your face. Wanna see 2 hours of Illuminati Occult programming? Go watch Fantasia. It is downright scary how symbolic that movie is. 
(20) Alice In Wonderland covers it all as well; checkerboards, a white rabbit, and devil horns. Again - this was in Disney’s early days, and they were throwing it at us even then.
(21) Pinocchio is another fine example. Boys are taken to an island where they never return from as men. I will save more research here, but please check this thread out by @Bruno062418;
(22) Harry Potter isnt shy about Occult Symbolism, or sex, either.
(23) In World War Z, we see select people allowed on boats (the elite) while the rest are herded into camps and grocery stores are empty
(24) In The Matrix, we have a white rabbit (again), pyramid hand gestures, Morpheus standing like Baphomet, checkerboards, and ... you know what, if I need to explain The Matrix and all it’s symbolism then youre in the wrong thread. 😂
(25) The Wizard of Oz is another, and one with SO MUCH in it, that I will only briefly touch upon it. Here, Dorothy falls asleep in a poppy field, only to be awakened by a sprinkle of “snow”, or cocaine. The symbolism here is obvious.

(Not to mention: red shoes 👀)
(26) [They] surround us with this nonsense. Every day. Every walk of life
(27) Even more. Seriously, Google “illuminati all seeing eye celebrity” and click “images”. Youll be shocked.
(28) Even Starbucks is in on it.
(29) The All Seeing Eye and Pyramid and Serpents are EVERYWHERE
(30) Like I said - Google it.
(31) In closing, I hope I have opened your eyes to the symbolism all around us. Truly, the only way to keep it at bay is to wear the Armor Of God. The fact that we *see* them now means that their days of control are nearing an end.

Do not let this shit frighten you ..
(32) allow it to enlighten you. For as I said, the fact that so many are aware to it now means it being being brought to the surface to be dealt with. Trust your faith. Trust God. And know that we are winning.

As always, thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! Namaste 🙏🏻.
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